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RE: Facebook Censorship is Pushed by a Think Tank Funded by Governments, Military and Banking

The silver lining is the more they act out on what they are calling fake news the more attention they bring to the very news they fear. I have said it many times now, but the extremes we see taking place here almost seems meant to drive people into certain corners. The "enemy" is shouting as loud as they can that they are the enemy which just doesn't seem logical unless they feel so confident and plan on making more extreme moves very soon.


I agree very much, they are digging their own grave. People leave Fakebook in droves and have been for a while. I think that the population in America and many other countries see the censorship and restrictions and we are naturally inclined to steer away from that. Look at how many people could care less about the mainstream news and those bogus award shows. They keep crying that the shows are getting viewed less and blame all kinds of sources except the fact that people aren't putting up with their crap anymore.

The boring entertainment like celebrity idolization and award shows sure, but ppl still flock to entertainment. Funny videos and memes are much more popular for now, maybe that will shift in the future where info is more desired that nonsense...

But to many people, they aren't the enemy. 3 million followers for TFTP isn't much compared to others. Most people don't care, they just want to socialize and look at funny videos or memes... It s brazen only to the ones who can see things as they are, which isn't the majority. Only when it personally affects them will most ppl care about what is happening. Maybe more and more ppl will wake up to see what they are doing, and that will slowly kill these platforms... but maybe that's just being too optimistic hehe ;)

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