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RE: Twitter Suspended My Account For Asking a #PizzaGate Related Question

in #censorship8 years ago

The inversion aspect is connected with the Native saying: "beware the white man who speaks with a forked tongue". The "elite" speak using common words invested with 'uncommon', or inverted/opposite, meaning. For instance, the "Center for Disease Control" has an implied meaning for the masses - being on top of, and preventing the spread of disease. This understanding is the opposite of the reality. CDC is about Control of disease...deciding the where, when, how, why, what of disease. It is about disease making!

It is the same with almost ANY official institution (at least in the western world). A good starting hypothesis is that the exact opposite of the implied, or even stated, purpose of an orginazation is the truth. Begin the search from that position and finding the truth is, with perseverance, a less arduous well, a network is necessary...which we have! :)


P.S. @titusfrost, keep up the fight brother!!! The smell of (a very messy) defeat of the controllers is in the ethers, one way or another, though #pedogate is the center-of-gravity!

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