DailyCelestialChallenge Friday-LoveBeautyFreedom-by sirknight

in #celestialchallenge7 years ago

When God sets us free:True freedom, I use this passage so that we can understand that we can not be a slave to any system, be it political, economic or social.


A. The healing of the paralytic at the door called the Beautiful.
1 The request of the paralyzed beggar.
Peter and John went up together to the temple at the ninth hour, that of prayer. And a man lame from birth was brought, whom they put every day at the door of the temple called the Beautiful, to ask alms of those who entered the temple. When he saw Peter and John that they were going to enter the temple, he begged them to give him alms.
a.- Peter and John went up together: Peter and John were both commissioned by Jesus and recognized by the early Christians as apostles - special ambassadors of Jesus. Acts 2:43 told us, many wonders and signs that were made by the apostles. Acts 3 tells us of a specific example, one of many.


b.- At the time ... of the prayer: Apparently, Peter and John saw no problem with continuing their Jewish custom of having prayer at certain times of the day.
c.- The door of the temple that is called the Beautiful: The Jewish historian Josephus described this door that was in the mount of the temple; made of a fine Corinthian brass, seventy-five feet high, huge double doors, so beautiful that "greatly exceeded them that were covered with silver and gold." (Quoted by Stott)

d.- A man lame from birth was brought ... he begged them to give him alms: The lame man simply wanted to be supported in the condition in which he was. God had something better in mind; Jesus wanted to change his condition completely.

i.- Of course, the lame man felt that he had no other option than to be supported in his condition; and surely it was better to be supported than to die of hunger.



  1. (4-6) What Peter said to the lame man.
    Peter, with John, fixing his eyes on him, said: Look at us. Then he was attentive, hoping to receive something from them. But Peter said: I have neither silver nor gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk.

to. Fixing his eyes on him: The man must have been happy and animated when Pedro and Juan stared at him. Most people want to ignore beggars and are careful not to look them in the eye. When they looked at the lame man so fixedly, he probably thought that he was going to receive a large gift.

b. He was attentive to them, hoping to receive something from them: The lame man looked back at Pedro and Juan; perhaps he stretched out his hand towards them or extended a glass to receive his generosity.

i. The lame man was right to expect to receive something from them, but he received much more than the monetary donation that would have satisfied him.

ii. Many have not yet reached the place where they really expect to receive something from God. This is faith, clear and simple - even if man expected less than Jesus wanted to bestow.

iii. Better yet, we must wait for the right things of God. Many times, we are more than willing to settle for less than God wants to give us, and our low expectations often rob us.

c. I do not have silver or gold: Peter did not have any money, but he did have authority from Jesus to heal the sick (what I have I give you). Peter knew how he felt God use him to heal others, because Jesus had trained him in that (Luke 9: 1-6).

  1. (7-10) The healing of the lame man.
    And taking him by the right hand, he raised him up; and at the moment his feet and ankles were affirmed; and jumping, he stood up and walked; and he entered with them into the temple, walking, and jumping, and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God. And they recognized him as the one who sat to beg for alms at the door of the temple, the Beautiful; and they were filled with amazement and horror at what had happened to him.

Sometimes we are slaves like this lame, we hope to receive something from the people, but that does not change our condition, just meeting God can give us true freedom. Blessings!

For more information, check his blog:
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Tuesday - animal kingdom


Great content... thanks for sharing.. god bless you

thank you!

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