Daily challenge of darkness-Myths behind the darkness ...


Hello my dearest steemiants, also @steemchurch and @communitynews in #celestialchallenge by @sirknight today I want to talk to you about: today is the challenge of darkness.

Myths behind the darkness ...
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The darkness to human beings has always seemed mystical, which is related to a higher power usually linked with evil beings who wrap themselves in their veil to sow terror in our minds ... Different cultures identify darkness as a person who is the maker or guardian of darkness, who is in constant battle with light with the guardian of light.


When we talk about myths that surround the darkness without hesitation we must mention the different "gods" that refer to the darkness, one of them is Erebos son of Chaos, and embodied the darkness that covered every hidden place with dark clouds of darkness. His sister Nix was the one who spread the darkness around the world covering the light of Ether that was, the purest element existing and spreading it to every corner of the earth, according to mythology the Erebus were the rooms of Cerberus the watchdog of the underworld.


Since ancient times, we always tried to give an explanation to the darkness, because it is the origin of our greatest fears ... or am I wrong? , darkness is the epicenter of our deepest fears because in this it seems that they can come alive. For example: The way to the kitchen of our homes is different day and night, because it totally changes our way of perceiving it, it becomes strange, insecure that thousands of things can happen to us and much more if it is accompanied by a sepulchral silence ...

Why is this happening to us?

It is said that in the dark thousands of things are not necessarily done, this causes us great fear to be victims of the creatures that live in darkness. That's why our body is paralyzed, by the great production of oxytocin, ("fear hormone.") In the dark everything is a little more macabre the shadows take distorted forms, silence is the warning that something can happen or How many Have we sometimes felt that something stalks us in the dark? How many times do we not pray for fear protection that which is hidden in the darkness? How many times did we have a horrible nightmare and wake up in complete darkness and run to look for a light? ? How many times have we been alone, with the night lying down and we think we see strange shadows or noises coming from the darkness? ... Well, to me several times, because of the darkness it is worthy of respect and as human beings we know that terrible things can happen in the dark but this is not eternal ... You just have to wait for the sunrise in the darkest night.


For more information, check his blog:

Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Tuesday - animal kingdom

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