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RE: SirKnight's: Daily 'Celestial Challenge' - NEW for all Steemians!

I know beforehand this probably isn't going to be a popular comment, given the nature of your profile and the steemchurch I hope its sincerity is received. What you're promoting above has multiple references to pagan Gods from Greek and Roman antiquity - the very people the apostle Paul risked his life to go a proclaim the good news of Christ to. I'm assuming you're Christian based on the general message of Steemchuch, this post and the contest in the most objective of terms is old-fashioned idolatry. I know the intentions of making it would have been good however the Holy Spirit within me couldn't read this and not say anything. I'm not your judge and don't claim to be, I can only think of what Paul said with regard to Christ in 1 Tim 6:16 'who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen.'

I just felt like this contest is absent of any mention to him.

God bless.

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