The Rapid Rise Of CBD Oil Popularity

in #cbd7 years ago (edited)

The popularity for CBD oil has been growing rapidly over the last few years.

It's CBD that is credited with playing the biggest role in pushing the success of the hemp market right now, expected to surpass $2 billion by 2020. And there are people from countries all over the world who are looking to try and use the oil to help them find some relief from their pain.


CBD oil products can be found on the market that have little-to-no THC and therefore it doesn't produce the 'high' that most people associate with cannabis. And for this reason, it's come across as a much more appealing product to those who might be weary of trying cannabis.

However, for most people, they will quickly find that they don't have the freedom to ingest the oil even if they want to. There are rules against that. Though, despite the illegality of the product, a great deal of people have sought to using it anyways; the potential for pain relief was worth the risk in their eyes.

The story of cannabis oil helping Rick Simpson and others to find remedy from their illness has no doubt fueled the interest for many to look into this product. There are thousands of children and families who claim to see a positive result from taking this oil, many credit cbd oil with saving their lives and dramatically improving their quality of life.

image from Cannabis For Kids: The Children Behind The Debate

A great deal of people are finding that CBD oil is more effective for them in treating their symptoms than opioid medication.

CBD oil use in the UK alone is said to have doubled in the last year and popularity for the product is growing rapidly in the US and elsewhere.

As well with cannabis, a great deal of people who opt for using cannabis are alleged to eventually prefer that option for their pain management over their other prescription medications. From toddlers to seniors, you have people of all ages who are turning to try and see if CBD could help them to improve their standard of living.

On the market today you can find a variety of CBD products, they've got CBD vape pens, gel caps, oil syringes, coffee pods, and lots more. They've even got CBD pet treats that a number of pet-owners have started to consider for their pets; trying to find some relief.

Researchers around the globe are still actively investigating the benefits of cannabis and CBD, how they might help in treating a myriad of illnesses, like Tourette Syndrome, Alzheimer's Disease, and more. And until lawmakers choose to allow people to exercise their natural rights in consuming CBD oil or cannabis if they wish to, it's a shame that a great deal of people will be risking a lot by trying to find relief in a natural way from their pain and suffering.

via organiclifestylemagazine
via googletrends
via NationalGeographic -

The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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My family is enthusiastic about the benefits of CBD oil, even though we live in a state that is late to adopt the legalization of medical marijuana. We haven't had any seizures to medicate here, but we've had some flashes of intense anxiety and anger–these behaviors seem to be alleviated by the CBD oil.

We're invested in the PrimeMyBody brand. I vividly remember the night when we introduced this medicine to our three children. We informed them about the physical plant and the spiritual significance of "Santa Maria," and then allowed them each to try a drop. We held the drop under our tongues for 30 seconds, shared some time of silence, sang some nighttime songs... and then we had a wonderful open dialogue about how we felt as a result of this medicine. The kids shared a feeling of calmness, which is music to our ears.

I credit cannabis CBD oils with prolonging and improving my mother's life for over 5 years when she was given about 4 months to live. I use CBDs, CBNs, etc. to treat pain associated with being run over by an 18-wheeler 20 years ago. Most doctors would not hesitate to prescribe the most potent pain meds to me, but CBDs are what seem to work best for me. Thanks for posting this. Upvoted and followed.

Thanks for writing about this! Nerve damage from diabetes made it almost impossible for me to sleep until I started ingesting some CBD (home made) every night. Until then I felt like I was going insane from the lack of sleep.

🤖💬 This post has received a 16.67 % upvote from @dab4dab sponsored by @netgodbeerus


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I cant wait until it is legal here in Canada ! I will be checking more into it to help me with my back pain and arthritis . I think it will be much more bennificial then the pharmaceutical crap which is not doing anything at all !! And taking a more natural route thats less harmful to your body , plus with the oil you don't get high off it so it can be taken when needed ! Im all for it @doitvoluntarily !! Great post to get the information out to more people!👍👍👍 Upped and Resteemed !!

let me know if you do and how it goes for you :)

for sure I will ! Thanks !😀

Thanksf or the article with information I know so little about.

Nice post, CBD oil is one of the most helpful medicines I think.

Here in Sweden they are cracking down on companies selling CBD oils and they are talking about banning it completely unfortunately!


thats terrible :/ thought they were a bit more civilized than opting to let people suffer in pain? 😂

Really Thanks for writing about this!!!

I've bought CBD oil on amazon(UK), it was very expensive for a small amount.

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