Hobo is Getting A Housemate

in #caturday5 years ago (edited)

Don’t kitties all love company?

Hi, I'm Hobo

Anyone who spends any time around me knows I have cats. Well, at the moment I have a cat. Last October I went from a two adult cat household to a two adult cat and one barely two month old kitten household, courtesy of some twit who apparently thought it was smart to just drop a kitten off to fend for itself.

Yes, she was named for the way she arrived.

Hobo has been an interesting addition to my family. Fawnya and Dawn both just accepted her and even seemed to like her. She quickly showed herself to be a loving little thing with a big streak of mischief. One of her favourite moves is leaping onto my shoulder when I’m in the kitchen. She has expanded that to just about any where in the house.

No windowsill for me, I watch from above

Dawn seemed to accept her a lot more willingly than she did when Fawnya arrived in the household. That was full on hissing and fur on end display when I opened the box to reveal his then six week old self.

They reached a detente over the years. Sometimes I was reminded of a couple who’d been together for years. They didn’t always like each other but they did at least respect each other. It was pretty simple, Dawn was boss and Fawnya acquiesced like any good partner should.

Mom! She’s picking on me!

Hobo just bounced into their lives like she’d been invited. She was respectful of Dawn but would at times play with her and Dawn seemed to enjoy it.

It was Fawnya who really embraced her arrival. Hobo could climb around on him, chase him through the house and even get his super size self chasing her back. He’d curl up to sleep beside me and Hobo would climb over him and curl up against him to sleep with him.

Cuddle time with Fawnya

Lost Dawn in March and Fawnya in July. Hobo seemed to take Dawn’s loss in stride, her buddy Fawnya was still here to play with. Fawnya’s passing left her a bit confused for a while. She explored the house looking for him, pausing at his favourite places like she was waiting for him to show up.

When that didn’t help, she just started spending more time curled up on me.

Over the weeks since Fawnya died in early July she’s made it rather clear to me, she doesn’t like being left here alone. My first clue should have been her frantic behaviour when I’m getting dressed and then head for the door. She leaps on furniture as I pass and tries to grab hold of me. Lately that has been expanded to her meeting me at the door with her paws up trying to embrace me.

I wonder if mom is watching

As it happens, a friend of mine’s wife has a pet boarding service. They have recently had some kittens they needed to home. I was really, really tempted when he put the pic of a calico up. Hobo hadn’t quite got the message across to me yet.

She has now.

When my friend and I met for cocktails earlier this month he mentioned the tortoise shell kitten is still there. She’s about four months old. I told him to see if he could home her in September. If not, we’d introduce the two at the end of the month. He admitted to me the other day, he’s not actually tried.

Hey Mom! What you doing?

So Hobo, you need to send big purrs to Bill, you have a companion coming.

I’m thinking Tramp for a name. Somehow Hobo and the Tramp just has a quirky ring to it.

What do you think?

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This is so cool! Can hardly wait to "meet" the new addition to your household! 😁

I'm getting really curious how Hobo is going to react to the 'meet'

I am SO excited for Hobo and The Tramp!

Yay for rescued kitties! I'm sure Hobo and Tramp will get along splendidly once they adapt. :)

I'm told she has a sweet personality, like hobo, and is similar in size. Hoping it will be a short adjustment period.

Bill saw this post yesterday elsewhere and sent it to his wife. She had got up yesterday morning to find one of her champion dogs dead from no apparent cause. The word that Tramp had a home helped to offset that loss.

Yikes, so sorry to hear of their loss. That's tough for anyone.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hobo and Tramp--the names sound perfect together!

they do kind of roll off the tongue

Yay for Hobo and Tramp!
lol I love the Hobo blog divider!

thank you .. Been having fun making my own dividers .. I guess I'll need a Tramp one now lol

I just know that these furbabies were created to bring joy to our lives. I enjoyed your article, @shadows pub! I too am a pet lover.

Posted using Partiko iOS

they do indeed bring joy .. even if sometimes that is in the form of "Get down off the monitor!"

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I don’t think you can have too many cats. :-)

I enjoyed reading this story and the photos are very nice, too.

thank you .. but I really don't need to provide proof for the crazy cat lady moniker LOL

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Fack.. You make me want cats.

I've always owned cats in my adult life (I think because my mom hated them so I never had a pet cat as a kid), my dog is the first dog I've owned in my adult life. I wouldn't trade him for the world!

..but I miss my cats..

I had a dog and cats at one time. The dog was originally @artemisnorth's but they couldn't take her when they moved to London. So, she lived with me, was mine until they visited and then it was... my family is here.. go away caretaker.

Aww!! So did they end up taking their pup back to London with them? I know it's like a 4 month process to get the right paperwork, but definitely can be done :)

OH London, ON... not England
No, Blue remained with me until she passed over the rainbow bridge. They were living in a place that had a no pets rule.

Our dog Lolo came to us at seven weeks, and he learned at once who his bosses were . . . the cats.

Bear taught him manners right quick, but never in a mean way. Just firm.

And he learned from the beginning that growling at the cats is never acceptable.

Our cats are Lolo's best friends. When our cat Miod died, who was his special buddy, Lolo mourned visibly, and slept on his grave for three days. True friends.

Posted using Partiko Android

we sometimes underestimate how our animals react to loss. I found Hobo laying down with Dawn's body after she died. She sat beside Fawnya's for a bit after he died.

Yes, their attachment to and love for one another are real and obvious, especially for those of us who take the time to notice.

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