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RE: Hobo is Getting A Housemate

in #caturday5 years ago

Fack.. You make me want cats.

I've always owned cats in my adult life (I think because my mom hated them so I never had a pet cat as a kid), my dog is the first dog I've owned in my adult life. I wouldn't trade him for the world!

..but I miss my cats..


I had a dog and cats at one time. The dog was originally @artemisnorth's but they couldn't take her when they moved to London. So, she lived with me, was mine until they visited and then it was... my family is here.. go away caretaker.

Aww!! So did they end up taking their pup back to London with them? I know it's like a 4 month process to get the right paperwork, but definitely can be done :)

OH London, ON... not England
No, Blue remained with me until she passed over the rainbow bridge. They were living in a place that had a no pets rule.

Our dog Lolo came to us at seven weeks, and he learned at once who his bosses were . . . the cats.

Bear taught him manners right quick, but never in a mean way. Just firm.

And he learned from the beginning that growling at the cats is never acceptable.

Our cats are Lolo's best friends. When our cat Miod died, who was his special buddy, Lolo mourned visibly, and slept on his grave for three days. True friends.

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we sometimes underestimate how our animals react to loss. I found Hobo laying down with Dawn's body after she died. She sat beside Fawnya's for a bit after he died.

Yes, their attachment to and love for one another are real and obvious, especially for those of us who take the time to notice.

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