Trying to take group photos doesn't work

in #caturday6 years ago (edited)

I have 5 cats and @borran suggested that I try and get all 5 into a picture. That's unlikely to happen unless I line up their food bowls in the morning but yesterday, 3 of them were sitting on the front steps that are in the process of being repaired.


The grey of the concrete lends itself to black and white photography. Of course I tried to get them to look at the camera at the same time but that didn't work.


Yoda was only ever interested in licking his legs and the others just took turns looking in my direction. On the subject of Yoda, although there was no swelling, the abscess is still there and he scratched it open on Tuesday night. He allowed me to clean it although he growled a lot.

yoda abscess2.jpg

It's opened high on his face this time and he keeps scratching it open whenever it closes so hopefully it will finish draining this time


I actually like the photo with all of them just hanging out doing their own thing, its more natural. Yoda looks the funniest grooming himself like that. That abscess looks pretty sore still, poor Yoda.

Yoda is an entertaining lunatic like that. He'll get better, the pest

We have six cats. I know how hard it is to get a group photo. I don't think we have one with all six cats. You may want to edit your title. Missing an o.

Thanks! Proofread everything except the title

You're welcome. I have two new posts you may find interesting.

Great shots, poor yoda.

Thanks! He's quite a bully so he probably got what he deserved

It's hard for me to get two of mine to look at the camera at the same time, five seems impossible, lol

I think there's clicker training or something involved

My phone 's camera has got a "children mode" that allows me to take a picture while the phone plays A bird sound. Usually my cats become suddenly very interested in looking at me lol

That's a good idea!

Hahaha that’s brilliant. I had no idea that even exists.

Hahaha its really hard to take a group photo

Try to dress Yoda with a special collar for cats.
Then the cat can not scratch the face.
At the same time, this collar allows the cat to drink and eat freely.

Try rinsing out the abscess with hydrogen peroxide. My vet did that with our cats. My Salem (now in Heaven) had a similar abscess which burst on its own - but the vet ended up putting in a drainage tube - if I find the pic I will show you what I mean. Abscesses are such a nuisance. My new cat Salem got one on her tail from a cat fight. I cleaned it up and drained it and its okay now.

I have used it on my own wound that wouldn't heal and it stings too badly, he'd never tolerate me doing that to him. It will run its course, I'm not worried about it

Hewill hate me if I make him wear that collar! It's actually better if he scratches his face:that abscess must drain

It means I made a mistake.
I wish the health of the cat!

No worries! Sometimes the collar is the best but not for abscesses

Very nice seals. I wonder how they get on with each other.

Like children: sometimes they play and sometimes they fight

These guys look like a gang.. little rascals or top cat and his gang! Hope Yoda gets better soon.

They are definitely the gangsters of the household! Yoda will get better in time

You should put a hat to one, so he'll be Top Cat hahaha

That would just piss them off!

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