
Try rinsing out the abscess with hydrogen peroxide. My vet did that with our cats. My Salem (now in Heaven) had a similar abscess which burst on its own - but the vet ended up putting in a drainage tube - if I find the pic I will show you what I mean. Abscesses are such a nuisance. My new cat Salem got one on her tail from a cat fight. I cleaned it up and drained it and its okay now.

I have used it on my own wound that wouldn't heal and it stings too badly, he'd never tolerate me doing that to him. It will run its course, I'm not worried about it

Hewill hate me if I make him wear that collar! It's actually better if he scratches his face:that abscess must drain

It means I made a mistake.
I wish the health of the cat!

No worries! Sometimes the collar is the best but not for abscesses

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