It’s still Saturday until I turn off the light

in #caturday5 years ago (edited)

Where do the days go? Don’t answer. That is a rhetorical question. I wanted to write a Caturday post but by the time I got around to it, it was past midnight, meaning it is technically Sunday.

I would like to be a cat in my next life because have you noticed that the passing of time is irrelevant to them? One minute they are taking a nice bath and the next minute they are attacking a toy mouse or jumping into a cardboard box.

They have no agenda whatsoever.

Look at this. Does this animal appear to be concerned about tasks that need doing or the world economy or what’s happening in war-torn regions? No. Not a care.


In this picture, her chief objective is to be let in out of the cold. Seriously, of all the things to care about, all that matters to her is personal comfort. Do you suppose she thought for a moment about the fact that I might have better things to do than open doors for Her Highness?


And of course there are her food needs. Here she is trying to poach some of my son’s breakfast, even though she had already eaten hers!


And just imaging being able to chill anytime you want an hang out with your friends. What a life!


I will not mention the regurgitated mouse I discovered on my carpet today. Oops, I guess I just did.

Okay, I’ve changed my mind. I do not want to be a cat in my next life because... just no. My hunting instincts are non-existent. And I desperately want world peace.

Thank you for reading my random musings and bizarre attempts at humor!

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It might've been Sunday when you wrote this, but it was still Saturday in other timezones. At least that's how I justify making a Caturday post after midnight.

Well, your "bizarre attempts at humour" worked; I chuckled once or twice. ;-)

Good job on the photography and the writing!

I've send you some CAT (Cat Appreciation Tokens) as a tip for this post. I sent some extra because I saw that you didn't receive any during the first airdrop. Holding these tokens will attract "cuddles" (upvotes) from the Steem kittens, @steemkitten, @cuddlekitten, and @steemeow. You can find more information on CAT by visiting @catnet's profile.

Happy Caturday! :-)

How fun! Thank you so much for introducing me to CAT tokens. Yes I did indeed miss the air drop. But I’m glad to know they exist and I appreciate the gift and the additional info!

Hehe the only thing that cat cares about is the invading pumpkin!

I been having a cat come around for a while now that just looks me at and hangs out in the backyard for most of the day. No idea whose cat it is. It does not seem to care to move along. Just sits at end of the woods and look at me for most of the day!

Hmm! You haven’t been able to get close enough to see if it has a collar? Sounds like it wants to be adopted!

And it's always yesterday somewhere in the world...

Also, High Noon. But that's another topic.

All three photos are pretty nice :) Good cat moments. Have more!

Thanks @manoldonchev! I added one more picture. I had forgotten to mention her fabulous social life. 😂

Ohhhhh not the mouse gift... I remember one late night gift brought to our bed! Alive! Unbelievable, somthing tiny scurrying under the covers! They do indeed have an easy life, sleep in the sunlight, eat, sleep...petting. No worries :)

Oh no! I would have screamed my head off! They do love to show off their hunting prowess!

The cat looks so nice together with the pumpkin. I believe cats are autumn animals.

Interesting thought! This one is a year ‘round animal. Unless it’s freezing out, she wants to be outside! She will even walk through the snow.

Lol, my cat Musica started meowing just as I began reading your post.

Cats are psychic too! (Or is that psychotic . . . )

Yes. The mouse gifts.

When we first moved to Tennessee, my cat Edit made it his duty to "gift" me with a dead mouse or vole nearly every day for weeks, leaving them near the front door on the front porch. Helping to stock the family larder, don't you know.

"My" first cat, Bonnie, back in Florida, used to regularly catch small snakes and lizards that made it under our garage door, which she usually caught on the tile in our living room.

But they were usually still alive, and I could release them unharmed.

And yes, we had a cat during my childhood, named CatCat, but he was technically my sister's cat. He was also an able hunter, taking down large rabbits, which mother thanked him for profusely, but wouldn't allow him to bring in the house.

He was not amused.

We're back to having three cats, who I adore, and yes, their agenda is entirely their own. They care nothing for ours.

But they are sweet, loving, and there is nothing better than holding a purring cat close. Especially my Bear boy. ;-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh I have to agree with all of that, @crescendoofpeace! They are my favorite type of pet. We have had both of ours for over 15 years and they are still going strong, which makes me so happy.

Yes, Bear will be 15 next month, and though he's slowed down a bit, he's still a love.

Our girls are much younger, and more likely to wander and get into mischief, but they're loves as well.

Do you suppose she thought for a moment about the fact that I might have better things to do than open doors for Her Highness?

Hahaha. Even if she did think about it, she wouldn't care. She's a cat, and all about Cattitude!

Ha ha! Exactly! Now I have a new word for my vocabulary. Thank you, @wwwiebe.

Any time. :)

The cat is cool)) and the pumpkin recalls that Halloween is coming soon))

Yes, it is! And it’s one of my favorite holidays!

Ha ha, cats are indeed Budda-esque in their capacity to live a contented existence oblivious to the troubles of human creation. I often wish to be a cat. I think I'd even be able to put up with the stinky food and mouse regurgitation to live oblivious to the human mess of this world 🤣

Cute kitty @jayna, what is his/her name?

Ha ha. I know — it really would be nice to be so carefree, wouldn’t it? My kitty’s name is Angel. I actually added one more photo to the collection — the whole menagerie (Angel, Tootsie and Zoey). But that died t include the turtle, the goldfish and the geckos.

A very happy Caturday 🐈 to you and your cute kitty. Cats are so care free, its their food and comfort that matters to them😹. Do enjoy a fantastic Sunday ahead 👍 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, @practicaleric! I hope your Sunday was great!

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