Caturday SBI Giveaway #25 / キャタデー SBI ギブアウェイ #25

in #caturday5 years ago (edited)

This giveaway is closed.
Please come back on next Friday.


Caturday SBI Giveaway #25

Join me every Friday for a cat theme Caturday quiz and complete an easy task to win @steembasicincome share!

キャタデー SBI ギブアウェイ#25

毎週金曜日(日本は土曜日)@steembasicincome のギブアウェイを開催しています。
猫をテーマの簡単なクイズ & タスクに答えて @steembasicincome シェアを当てよう!


⭐️ The quiz for this week : Answer the joke...Why are cats afraid of trees?

⭐️ The task for this week : Tell me the most favourite thing about cat.


● Please leave your answers in the comments section.

● You must follow the rules, ⭐️ complete the task and ⭐️ answer the quiz correctly to be qualified.

● 3 giveaways go out this week

● Giveaway starts on Friday and will be closed sometime on Sunday. I will edit the post with “This giveaway is closed” when ended.

● Upvote and resteem is not necessary but would be appreciated.

● The winners will be drawn and the announcement will take place the following week.

● When you are asked to share photos, it must be your own.

That’s all!
Hope to see your entry!

⭐️ 今週のクイズ :次のジョークに答えてください…猫はなぜ木を怖がるのでしょう?

⭐️ 今週のタスク :猫の一番好きなところは何ですか?


● エントリーの条件はルールを守ること、⭐️ タスクをこなし、そして⭐️ クイズに正解していることとします。

● 今週のギブアウェイは3つ

● 期限は金曜日から日曜日(日本では土曜日から月曜日かな)終了した投稿には編集で “このギブアウェイは終了しました” と追記します。

● Upvote、Resteemは出来たらお願いします。しなくてもOKです。

● 当選者は抽選です。発表は後日行います。

● 写真をシェアするお題の時は、自分の写真でお願いします。



Thanks for visiting!




Cats are afraid of trees because of their bark? 😁😁

We have four cats and they are all very sweet. They welcome us when we come home from work. Plus, they keep my senior citizen mom company as she just stays home all day.


What a lovely kitties you have!
It must be wonderful to come home to such a cute faces!
Thanks for the entry!

Hi @djynn!
Cats are afraid of trees because of its bark.
The most favorite thing about my cat is how he tries to make me feel better. Pachino knows when I am upset, not feeling well or in pain so he makes a little mew-mew voice and buries his forehead in the palm of my hand as if to say, "Here. Pet me and it will make you feel better." It works beautifully every single time. : )

Awww...sweet Pachino.
Our cats watch us very well and know when to give us that little mew...I love that about my cat as well.
Thanks for the entry!

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