Happy Caturday from Curator Cat — What Do You Promote on Steem?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #caturday5 years ago

Greetings Felines and Hoomans of SteemLand!

Once again it has become Saturday, which means CATURDAY, my favorite day of the week! So this is the day when all the cat lovers get out their cameras and share photos of their favorite feline friends.

Hello! I'm enjoying this sunny spot! Why are you always waving that camera around?

Yes, "Caturday" is quite a thing, and it's not just a Steem thing. Caturday has been "a thing" for many years, most likely starting on some old image message boards, 15+ years ago.

And now we are building Caturday here in our community. In an average month, we now have about 60 people who make Caturday posts!

Meanwhile, the #catsofsteemit tag has also been gaining some momentum.

Wait... was that the can opener...?

What Matters to You?

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about what's "important" to me about this Steem online Community... and what and where I can personally make a difference.

It's great to say "I'm here for the rewards," but unless you're some kind of mega-investor, you'd make more "rewards" having a garage sale next weekend than you would posting here for six months. Or a year, even. So that's really just a rationalization. A cop-out.

Why are we really here? Community building! Making friends! Sharing something! Being part of a new way of doing things! Personally, I like that this is something that's NOT Facebook.

Community building is a community effort. It's people-connecting-with-people and people-helping-people. Yeah, and cats. Cats matter!

False alarm... I'm just going to stretch and nap here in the sun! Perfect Caturday!

Promoting What You Believe In!

As you are no doubt aware, lots of people have extensive "footers" on all their posts, promoting all manners of things. I am just starting to explore that, because I want to support the initiatives that have helped me grow here, and which I believe are making a difference in building community, and can make a difference for other people, too.

So below are some bits and pieces I have been playing around with, that I might make parts of a permanent footer.

In the meantime, have an awesome Caturday!


Are you an active Steemian trying to grow your connections, influence and Steem Power? Have less than 500SP? Finding it a struggle? Consider joining in with these great community initiatives!

Contact @abh12345

Contact @paulag

20190420 0216
100% Powered up!
88.91% of the way to 500SP goal!
Target date: June 30th, 2019


Beautiful cat enjoying the sunlight. I will remember to use the catsofsteemit tag from now on.

Trying to use it every time on my postings also. ;-)

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The little Miracle Kitten is just adorable! Looks like he's doing pretty well.


Appreciate it @sunscape, and thanks for stopping by! It's just a small effort I and a couple of others started at the turn of the year to try to get cat loving Steemians clustered under a common tag.


Sounds great, I will be sure to use it! Thanks for letting me know and have a wonderful week.

I was told there would be cake? But, since I've yet to find the cake I'm sticking around to just connect with people that might appreciate my NSFFB brand of random quirkiness... I honestly don't even know what to do with any of the steem I have earned except power up.. Maybe someday I'll get to it but I doubt it..i like the idea that my thoughts might live on in an immutable perpetuity..u know bc my massive ego seeks permanence lol.. Plus steem has the best cat stuff amirite?

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Cake? I like cake. Cake is good. Cake is our friend.

The way I see it, I like blogging and posting pictures. The Steem? Well, it's pretty cool that I can have this sort of "savings account" that I keep putting the funny money into. And, as it grows, I can help others put a little funny money into theirs. So I just power up.

Like you, I also like the "pretty permanent" aspects of this. I have been part of too many communities over the years that "looked promising" and then they went T.U. and my effort was lost and pretty much for nothing. So, here trying to build good cat stuff...


Hi Curatorcat. Just popped in to say "Happy Caturday" and wish you and your hoomans well.

Thank you @averageoutsider, a nice day was had by all! Hopefully yours was good, as well.


You Had Me @ NOT Facebook (Fecesbook) Flush Please...... true story

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Yeah, we are just not big fans of the Book of Farce. Such a meaningless zoo of garbage...


Way back when... a "Friend" on Fakebook would say, " Hey did you see that post yesterday. Turns out He was being "Shadowbanned"

Then when they started doing it to me they got permanently banned from my life...... lol

Same shizz with Twatter and I am currently on a mission to become GhoulGhoul free..... good luck with that right...? The Google is all up in our stuff, and they know what we should see and say..... smfh

I often wish I coud trade places with Sammi Jo. That Cat has got it made..... lmao

Come to think of it CeeCee, looks like you do too.....

Random stolen internet cat photo.

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@curatorcat Greetings! I very much want to support the growth of the community and to contribute. I am seeking guidance to help get my writing and poetry ‘out there’ for others to read and appreciate. Not sure how? Any assistance most gratefully appreciated - please have a read and let me know your thoughts. By the way, I love cats 🐈 Many thanks 🙏 @nickythecat

Here are a couple of names to check out first @mariannewest, she is very much involved in the freewrites on steemit and would know some other to point you toward for writing, there is a pretty good solid group of writers and she I think knows most of them. The second person is @blockurator steempunk fiction, flash fiction, off the wall fiction, and ordinary writing too. Two very good source points. For poetry talk and one of the best poets on steemit you could visit one of @warpedpoetic's post and leave a comment he also has a few friends that he can point you to also.

I think at least one of the three if not all three, you would find to be not just a great source but a fantastic source for steemit writing.

@nickythecat, it largely depends on what kind of writing you do, but I'd say just keep putting your stuff on Steemit and build a following. Pick up the latest Writer's Market. If you're only interested in fiction, there's a Fiction Writer's Market. I have an article in this year's Writer's Market aimed at nonfiction writers, but I also do a fair amount of nonfiction writing. I'd say these are good places to start. Look for your genre.

You can also Google your genre + "submissions" and see who's taking submissions right now.

And one more suggestion: A new site called Narrative is attracting some fiction writers. I own the Speculative Fiction niche, which is fairly active. The Writing niche and Poetry niche are both in the top 10.

Hello @nickythecat and thanks for visiting!

My experience has been that this is both a "publishing" platform as well as a "social media" platform. Quite a few people here have "serialized" what went on to become books in the form of short essays they built a following around. Perhaps the most prominent is @ericvancewalton who was one of Steem's early adopters.

Although it's a bit outside my usual circle, I'm pretty sure there are several Discord groups specifically for poets and writers, so you might consider checking into those as an additional source of connections and support.


I keep forgetting about Caturday...but I am sure Willow would love to be part of #catsofsteemit. Look how she intentionally poses for the camera!

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Oh my, what a perfect pose! Willow is a beauty! I hope you do decide to make a #caturday post from time to time, and remember to tag with #catsofsteemit!

Happy Caturday!

Hi @curatorcat,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

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