Cat Allergies and what to do about them.

in #cats6 years ago


For the first few years looking after my first family members. I didn't understand the requirements of my cats at all, always running into trouble and visiting the vet to get them checked out. Sometimes it was silly things that was just me worrying too much, but other times, some things were warranted concerns, obvious wounds etc were immediate concerns and they seemed to happen at random with no apparent reason.
One of my cats would develop serious wounds on their neck, I thought it was fleas.. Even when I had outbreaks of fleas, dealing with them was never too difficult, the use of right flea treatment not from over the counter supermarket's -- vet prescribed work best, and the fleas quickly disappear. Treating the underlying cause in my case carpets in the house was important, and once that was dealt with, fleas became a non issue.
For some reason a recurring problem came back which was the bleeding from the neck. Having dealt with fleas, I knew it had to be something else, and after several visits to the vet, I was finally made aware that my cat was allergic to certain foods I was feeding it. This was alarming to me because I didn't know cats, like humans could be allergic to common cat foods. The vet put her on a hypoallergenic diet for about two months and determined which foods she could eat, and which foods she could not.
The itching and inflamed skin quickly went away with the right diet and from hence forth I had to feed my cats a selective diet. The lessons learned from all of this was that looking after cats are like looking after humans, they can be allergic to the environment, and also the food. Always make an effort to be hygienic around the house to reduce the chances of flea outbreaks, give cats regular check ups, particularly if they behave different from normal, and don't assume that they can eat all kinda of cat food. Sometimes they can be allergic and have severe reactions !


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