Ryan Made Me! 16/10/2017

in #cats7 years ago

Hello Steemian as you may know I like to spend some of my time taking care of many abandoned cats who mostly all suffer from some form of psychological trauma and I sometimes share their cute, funny and sad moments here on Steemit.

Today I have a picture of Ryan or AKA, Schmuck 16/10/2017

So Ryan is the youngest cat we now look after because unfortunately hes best friend Snowy who was younger died from disease, Ryan was very affected by this loss.
Ryan is often called baby because we received him after we rescued the mother, Ryan was the only kitten that survived during birth hes other brothers all died he hes the son of Mandy.
While he may not be the most affectionate cat in the gang he only knows of love because thats all he as had around him.
So unlike all the other cats in the group he as no clue what being treated badly is like which we cant say the same for all the other members of hes now family.


Image By @simonjay

So here is a picture of Ryan ritually posing for the camera when I said lets do a "about you post" saying hello it honestly looks like he knew and is introducing himself with hes body language here, haha or maybe its just me.. he is trying to look handsome here for the photo lol.
Ryan often comes and sits near me when I go to eat at the table its honestly very strange because he only ever does this with me but I took the opportunity to photograph him.
So far probably the best intro cat picture I have taken.

Below are past pictures incase you missed them or are new to the blog.





Images By @simonjay


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@paradise-found - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @meesterboom - @mammasitta- @surpassinggoogle - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!

[Follow Me Here @simonjay]


Ryan is adorable and so are the others. I am so happy to hear that Ryan doesn't know what it is like to be treated badly like the others. I am a cat lover and it warms my heart when I hear what kind hearts people like you have; to give them a safe, loving home. Bless you @simonjay. Tip!

Thank you for upvoting my kitties I am sure we will all appreciate that and the tip, yes he is very lucky and we are just as lucky because he teaches the others to love, thank you @whatisnew while I do want I can there are many still needing help I am in hopes of keep raising money here to help them, both you and @manorvillemike are also great with the kitties.

I know how you feel because I want to save all of them. I know @manorvillemike very well and I am so proud of him for what he did for the 5 feral kitties and for making Momma (Scary Mary) a shelter. I am so proud of you too @simonjay! : )

Yea @whatisnew I been keeping and eye on hes posts on all the latest news on the kitties he saved, I was very impressed with the little Shelter @manorvillemike put together for Scary Mary haha I love that name on her but shes a cutie, I dont think the guys get enough credit for hes work.

Its so nice of you to help and look after them abandoned cats! no animal or human should go through something like that... nice pictures Toffee remind me of a cat on my street that would come upto me whenever he see me just for a cuddle.

Thanks @hotmangoes for your kind words and I completely agree with no animals should be treated badly unfortunately there is alot of mistreat around here and I only wish I could do more but money is always the limit which is why I am thankful for your supprt. Haha that cat must like you is he also so big, fat and cuddly like Toffee?

Yes it really is unfortunately that we can't help them all I just hope there will be more people out there like you doing there bit in trying to give them a better life. Haha sometime I think he come up to because I smell like food or something I would say he almost as big as Toffee but yes very cuddly.

Yeah @hotmangoes its the money and the fact there doesn't seem to be many out there with loving hearts to help animals there seems to be more hate towards them but humans I guess are mostly selfish. Haha nah unless he is trying to eat you then probably not unless your rolling around in bacon or ham before you walk out.

I had a cat that looked just like Toffee... His name was Wendell!

Kinda think of it Toffee does look abit like a Wendell lol, was Wendell also so big, fat and cuddly like Toffee Rich?

He does look adorable here @american-pie thanks

absolutely love your post such beautiful cats. i love cats and if i could i would home them all, my life would not be complete if i didn't have animals in it. you have such a big heart kind regards Amanda

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