
Awwwww, sweet is right... how many years do some cats need to cohabitate before they warm up to each other?? One year may not be enough, someone told me, AFTER we rehomed my Maine Coon rescue because Bobi wouldn't let up on the persecution of the intruder.

Wimpy Maine Coon...

That Maine Coon totally reigned supreme... but Bobi, the little pipsqueak, had marked the entire house with his scritchy-scratchy territorial scent, and even though humans thought Merlin looked terrifying, he...
ok, you're right, Merlin, the gentle giant, should have eaten Bobi for brunch.

Napoleon was small 2...Look how far he got...

I'm not sure. I've definitely had cats that never really got along, even afters years of being together... they wouldn't fight, but they definitely weren't friends, lol.

I was very happy to capture evidence of this in photographs, lol.

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