Curator Cat Sunday Extra: A walk down Memory Lane: Orange, Being Cute!

in #cats6 years ago

It is rather late on this Sunday, here in the world of Curator Cat.

It has been exceptionally windy and quite cold here in our little corner of the Pacific Northwest; not only have the last few leaves blown off all the trees, they have pretty much blown about half a mile away.

The Hooman was doing what he often does when he's trying to avoid some project: He started organizing folders and files on his computer. As a result of which we took a little walk down memory lane with some old cat photos from before my time.

So I thought I'd share.

Here's one of Orange, nestled down in one of his sleeping places

Orange was one of the Hoomans' favorite cats; he died far too young of sudden kidney failure. But he's fondly remembered.

He was always getting into stuff. Often the trash bins...

As a kitten, circa 2010...

And here's one of me, to follow up, and to offer "proof of Curator Cat." One of the things I have in common with Orange was that we were both born with bobtails.

This is the view that often greets my Hooman!

ENOUGH with your emails! I'm ready to use the computer!

Well, that's all for now! I'm going to head back to my warm and comfortable sleeping spot.

Hope you've all had a great weekend!



Gingers are something else!

Gingers are pretty special. We had a female ginger a long time ago, and she made it to 17 and was pretty much always healthy.


Orange is gorgeous! How sad that he died young.

Unfortunately he only made to about age 4, then died of sudden kidney failure... never sure quite why. The vet had little more to offer than *"This sometimes happens with male cats, in particular."


Happy to share! He was very much a favorite cat around here!


Thanks for the cuteness @cuddlekitten! Glad to see you still roam the hallways of Steemit.


Hi @curatorcat,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

Lol... found you! (from weku, of course... errr.... from your hooman dad?!)

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