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RE: A Cat's Visit To The Vet

in #cat6 years ago

He doesn't only not behave, he has a full blown panic attack the moment he's in the cage. He stress-poops and vomits immediately. He then hisses at the vet and cannot be touched unless sedated. I hate seeing him suffer and I honestly do not want to lose him but I can't decide which is best. Continue tormenting the poor thing with shots and pills and vet visits, or just put him to sleep peacefully. He's old and sick and I just don't know. It's depressing.


It's a gut-wrenching decision to have to make. I can also imagine what is going to be like for you to take him in that fearful state to the vet to be put to sleep. Not a good way to end his life.
If it were my cat, I wouldn't put him through any more testing, just treat with what you are currently using so long as it appears to improve his existence and when you see quality of life reducing, get the vet to do a home visit to put him to sleep. The vet should be able to give you a tranquiliser that can make him more relaxed before they get there.
Even though my old cat was relatively well-behaved and relaxed at the vet, I still hated taking him in that last time. Putting his sister to sleep when she was incurably ill was just as hard, although she was already in hospital at the time.
It's important to bear in mind that animals live in the moment and he has no desire to prolong his own life, that is our human desire. All he knows is that he feels unwell and afraid. It's terribly hard to let go of them but that is an inevitable part of the relationship that we have with our beloved pets

I know it’s totally useless info now but I think the key is to travel with the cat as young as possible. I took my cat Lilith out to cafes in her bag and long car journeys from the age of 3 months when I got her she’s now a seasoned traveller at one and happily walks into her travel bag as she knows she’s probably off somwhere cool. I think maybe when they only know the carry case as going somwhere they don’t like like the vets it’s more of a panic? Sometimes you can’t help it as get the cat as an adult but defo if getting a kitten I think it rly helps to just subject them to everything as early as possible when they are still developing. I hope your cat gets better they are a part of the family 💕💕🐈

I wish I knew all this when I adopted the little terrorists when I was 19. I did not. They're the housiest house cats there are. Spoiled fucks. And next up are kids - kinda like cats, but even more responsibilities.

yeah My cat has fulfilled all my maternal needs lol

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