WHAT to DO / with ... SCARY MARY

in #cat6 years ago (edited)

Scary Mary has been living in my basement through the Winter. She would occasionally go outside during this time and be gone for up to 9 hours. I decided to have her retested for FIV /and the cat leukemia as well as for worms.

I did this to see If I could introduce her in with the house cats. She came back clean in all departments. It has been 9 months since I separated her from her kittens, Mickey, Patty and Betty, who have been upstairs in the house. So I started with them.

I brought Mickey to the open basement door to meet his mother. After the two stretched out nose to nose for about 10 seconds Mary hauled off and gave Mickey a wack on the side of the face, along with a hiss.

Tried the same with brother Patty. Mom took a swing and hissed at him but didn't connect. Betty was next and got a big hiss.


Mary outside on a short supervised outing. Her head is all dirty from rolling in the sand.

I have tried swapping cloths with cat scent on them. But that won't work because it's 10 house cat scents to one Mary scent. The other thing is to put her in a cage and let the other cats check her out. I have a hard time getting her in a pet carrier. But I will try this none the less.

What do you all think of this idea? Put all the adult cats in the closed Porch. Leave Mary's 3 kittens who are now just about full grown in the house. Then let Scary Mary into the house.

i would do this in early afternoon so Mary could be enticed with food back into the basement if things don't go well.

What do you think @simonjay and be free to add any advice. That goes for anyone else who has had experience introducing a cat to a multi-cat household.

Just to let you know Scary Mary is not Scary with me anymore. She is extremely affectionate, loves to get pet even on her belly. Trouble is she hasn't been exposed to other people but when she is, goes and hides.

I thought of taking her to a shelter, but she would be put in a cage because she can't get along with other cats. I have seen how these unsocial cats can be in cages for months and years. Would break my heart. If nothing works will keep things the way they are with Mary owning the basement.




Hey @manorvillemike like I said to you long ago and as you are experiencing.. its no easy task, I mean even today some of mine like to start a fight.
Like what @deerjay said.. cats are just like people some will never get along because they all have different personalities.
So here is the advice having a metal cage to put Mary in with the other cats could indeed be a great introduction, next I am afraid is the worst part you need to bring Mary into the room and watch what happens take note of who starts the fights, also make sure Mary as a place to go in the room so she can be alone, cats love having their "own" place in the house some of mine for example used to fight but once they had a place it stopped the fights, also I have used "telling off" cats who start the fight, point your finger and say no! You need to do it a few times and some will eventually get the hint that its bad and you wont be happy and hopefully behave, it takes alot of patience my friend and sometimes along time. Please keep us updated on Steemit and we will try and help, even if it means saving up enough Steempower for a bigger house lol.

Thanks @simonjay. I have been lucky incorporating Mommy and her 3 kids with my original 3 males. And the 3 new kittens were very easy Though it took awhile. Scary Mary is completely different than Mommy cat. Mommy cat was submissive to the males and at the same time got her way , is not timid. A very smart female. Scary Mary stands up for herself. Looks like she is going to be my basement cat who get supervised outdoors.

Hello @manorvillemike, I hope @simonjay can help in this case ... I really do not have experience in this kind of situations with cats. In any case, I leave this link that I got on the internet to see if it's your help: http://www.catster.com/lifestyle/cat-training-behavior-tips-socializing-shy-cats

Thanks so much.

Its a tough call. No Shelter though!

Yeah no shelter!

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I wish I had some good advice but I don't know enough about cats to know what would work.

They are all different like people but I'm willing to take any advice.

I'm only giving my opinion because you asked. I would not send her to a shelter period. I don't think she would want to live like that or they may euthanize her. I say let her live as you have her. She can stay in the basement if she is comfortable there which I'm sure she is. Do you remember Maxine the cat I wrote about? She is still living! Some cats just won't get along with other cats or people. That doesn't mean I would give up trying though. I learned a lot from the show My Cat From Hell and other useful tips on the internet. I do hate that she could get hurt outside but I think she would rather live her life like that then be caged unless it is a really big cage and in your home. It is good that she has socialized with you and that is a good sign. That's just how some cats are as you know. Did you try feeding them close to each other but not where they can get into a fight. Don't know if this helped at all but good luck!

Idea of Taking her to shelter to have chance of being adopted. Private no kill would stay for life if not adopted.

I have small house to try introduction techniques. Guess I'll just have to buy a 4,000 sq ' house to keep everyone happy. lol

That is good to know and makes it an option then. I don't trust any of the shelters here. I only know of one "no kill" and they are almost never accepting cats. Would be great to see her go to a good home. Lol..your solution sounds like a good one too! ;)

I think you have a great start on it. Hopefully as Mary took to you she will slowly open up to the other cats. It may take you a bit to get her there. You do have a back up plan in case it doesn't. I have a favorite cat behaviorist I love to watch Jackson Galaxy-my cat from hell. But he answers people. Maybe it would be a good idea to check it out and send him this post. Want Mary to be able to enjoy your house like the others. You are such a good cat parent. I say bravo to you @manorvillemike

Some cats are just use to having their own space.Thanks for the input @seareader1

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