People Who Started With Nothing And Made It Big on Steemit - For Newcomers

in #casestudy7 years ago (edited)


I've been reading my comments and I am amazed by how many people are new to steemit. Because of this, I decided to change my content strategy a little bit and cater more to the demand of those who need direction at the beginning of their quest.

I have a special request at the end of this article, for those who can help me, I will give a generous upvote in the comment section.

Welcome Newcomers!

For those of you who have been here for less than a month, let me extend a big WELCOME to you. Steemit is fascinating and can be difficult to grasp at time for some people. It's a completely different approach to social where you can actually make a lot of money by producing value for other members.

I will take for granted that you have read the Welcome Page. Most if not all the technical questions you have can be answered there. What I am about to share with you is what I think you should be doing to make the most out of your experience here.

First - Define Why You Are Here

So why are you here? Are you here just to have a place to write? Are you here to build a large following? Are you here to make money enough to have a retirement fund?

Your aim will define the type of activity you should engage in. I will take for granted in this post that you are here to maximize the amount of visibility and income you can make on steemit.

Second - Establish Your Core Competence

As I said above, you are paid on steemit for providing value...not necessarily for writing content. Content is a vehicle for value.

So don't get caught in the dream that if you spend 2 hours writing a piece of content, no matter how great it is, without a following, without SteemPower and without connections that it will go to the won't.

Find out in what way you could serve other people, make friends and add value.



I didn't coach or said anything to my brother in law about how to go about building his account. At the moment he has accumulate 13,736 SteemPower and he is partially responsable of a project that has 26,000 SteemPower to curate content related to STEM.

How did he do it?

He is a scientist...a really good one. What he did was first to find other people like him. He found other scientists who were a part of his niche. Then he created a project with them called @SteemStem which is a "Community Project to Promote Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Postings on Steemit". Then he kept writing about his particular topic. His community supports him as he is support his community. He is doing really well because of that.


This is the guy behind the Utopian project (check He is a brilliant visionary and has created a giant community of people who share his vision. More than 4 Million SteemPower has been delegated to his project so far. Not only that...the people who help him along the way are also benefiting from his creation. Many newcomers interested into the world of open-source have been making much more rewards via his project than they were on


I like this guy a lot. He was the number #1 curator on the whole platform for a long time. Even though he had a very small account (something like 50 SteemPower), he diligently worked at figuring out how to make the biggest ROI possible with curation. Since I wanted to reliably be able to follow his votes, I connected with him. Got created via a bounty of 1000 STEEM I've put out (Thanks @mahdiyari).

Since then I've been following his trail. He made my curation rewards go up by 75% and I am happy to upvote his post with 100% power whenever he writes something. (He's got to make money after all...curation is mostly profitable for big holders)

Third - Accumulate as Much SteemPower as Possible

SteemPower is unique. When you invest STEEM into SteemPower(SP), your vote define a bigger and bigger portion of the daily reward pool. Not only that, you also gain the ability to make your article trend in the hot section for a while, from there, you gain visibility, followers and more rewards coming from people who like your article or project.

Finally, you start making more and more curation rewards. This, I consider almost like a passive income at this point.

There is nothing like SteemPower and unless you are a pro-trader, accumulating SP is the best crypto move I can think of in the long term.

What's Most Difficult is to Get Off the Ground

The most crowded place is at the bottom. It's difficult to get out of there to be honest and I understand those who get discouraged. There is a cumulative advantage for those who stick it out but most don't have the fortitude to figure how to do it.

If you have no money to spend in buying SP, there are bloggers like me who upvote good, thoughful and helpful comments. Find them out and follow them. Add value to their blog by writing good comments and you'll be rewarded.


Right now, because of the ridiculous price of SBD, if you earn anything you are getting a 7X to 10X more STEEM than you think. If you only have 10 SBD right now via comments or authors reward, you can exchange them on the internal market( for 68 STEEM! So even if you get 1SBD via my upvote on your comment. Consider that you are making at least 7X that amount in STEEM.

There as never been a better time to accumulate SteemPower...EVER!

Conclusion - My Request to You Readers

Most of all, I'm trying to be helpful to my readers. Please write the topic you would like me to cover in my future article. I'll make sure to upvote your suggestions.


Getting more power (whenever you can) is important in every aspect of daily life

Getting more STEEMPOWER is even more so !

@onealfa your words could not be more right for @cryptoctopus post! Upvoted your comment. @gold84

I think society is doomed if everybody would act like that. The community thought will get lost and we become mere individual soldiers on a lonely quest for power(and everyone else is just plotting to take it from you)
Sometimes it necessary to retreat. Anyways, it seems impossible to make something happen without it so its hard to make decisions. U got me thinking now :D thanks!

You suggest buying STEEM on the internal market with SBD. My question is: what benefit does gain STEEM have? I thought that's main purpose was to be transferred to either SP or SBD. Could you clarify what you would do with STEEM once you have it?

For most people, I would suggest to turn STEEM into STEEMPOWER(SP) as much as possible. STEEM doesn't do anything on the steem blockchain. It's good to transfer around, send to exchanges, etc. But it doesn't get you more influence and reward on the platform. I suggest to turn SBD to STEEM because the price of SBD has went crazy and I don't see that situation lasting while the getting is good, it's the perfect time to get STEEM (to then turn it into SP) at $0.14 each on the internal market while it's at $1.75 on the regular market. Make sense?

Got it.
Do you know how much SP someone needs before there upvote is worth something?
Is there a formula shat shows how much your upvote is worth per SP held?
And one more question: is there anything keeping me from using the "Sell" function under STEEM and converting it to bitcoin? Would that be a bad idea for some reason.

Thanks btw.

At current market price($1.75 per steem), 1000 SP is ~$0.17 by upvote(at 100%). You can look at the value of your upvote here:

Thanks, just what I needed.

I've got to say SteemWorld by @steemchiller the best things I have used as a noob.

If you don't know what it is, stop reading this now and go check it out.

Put this in your browser obviously replace @yoursteemnamehere with your steem name.

It has a Voting power adjusting tool, voting history, vote for witnesses, account balance, delegation start stop tool, list of followers and much more.

It is THE swiss steem army tool everyone should have!
I always have it open in another tab.

There really isn't a formula... or rather, it is quite lengthy and involves things like the number of people who voted that day.

There are some websites that calculate vote amount.
But, generally, at 488 SP, at todays current prices, the upvote is worth about 10¢ at 100%/100%. 100% voting power and 100% vote allocation. (at 488SP you get to have a slider that allows you to change your vote %)

The "Sell" function under STEEM is ... mislabeled, it would be more appropriate to say "Send to someone else".

Steemit has an internal market where you can trade STEEM and SBD, but that is it.
If you want to trade STEEM of SBD for bitcoin, litecoin, BitShares and such, you can either transfer your steem to an exchange like Bittrex or you can use to transform them (it trades them for you, and deposits the outcome in your wallet).
There are many articles about this on steemit.

This is a great topic! Thanks for opening up the discussion!

One of the things I find very interesting and would like to know more about is the engagement level of whales. I know you personally read every comment on your threads, unfortunately, this seems to be more the exception than the rule. And I am not going to blame the whales, as they can easily get hundreds of comments each time they post.

So asking as someone who likes to get out of his own blog as much as possible and engage with people in their space, what kind of comments draw you to a person in such a way that you feel compelled to visit their blog and see what they are writing about?

To put it another way. How can minnows stand out in the comment section of a post that could have hundreds of other people vying for the OP's attention?

Of course I have my own parameters of engagement in my posts. Things like Showing you actually read what I wrote, contributed something worthwhile to the discussion, and come back to respond if someone chooses to continue the conversation by responding to your comment, are all indicators to me of someone who is looking to engage in the community.

Interested to hear what draws you out of your own blog to look at someone and see what they are doing? Or is your primary method of curating to take care of people in your comments, and stick with the list of people you are already following for your feed?

Thanks for the opportunity to pick your brain! Very interested in how this thread develops!!!

I will write about this for sure. Thanks man. You are truly one of my favorite user here.

Awww.. flattery will get you everywhere! LOL

Thanks! Very much appreciate the opportunity!

I have only been on steemit for almost five months; so I am still a newcomer in most aspects.

What brought me here? The opportunity to have a platform for my writing, blogging and to share my passion for gardening. It is a destination that I can post to my heart's content without having to maintain the site and behind the scenes issues.

I have made some great "friends", joined some wonderful communities and have learned a wealth of information I had not found anywhere else online.

I would love to read a future article about your daily routine from the time you started steemit until now; how it progressed and maybe how you learned from errors along the way. I like to see organization and schedules. Maybe your followers can learn from your dedication.

I also like the idea of the daily routine post!

I have an OCD thing going on in my head and it keeps me on track. I like to see how others work their magic and how I could possibly add some new ideas to my routine.

I will write about this for sure. Thanks!

That would be awesome and appreciated!

i want to read about your experience in cryptocurrency overall, not only steemit, but all your portfolio and what you bought for 2018 and why and what you think about next year

That's a great suggestion @investwarrior

Hi @cryptoctopus, i see thet you are here since the very beginning of Steemit community.. so i would like to read a your article about how things have changed here in steemit from the beginning until now.

This really is a good topic! The old wild west days are pretty interesting to hear about! of course next year people will be looking at right now as the old wild west too with the current price of SBD!

Yes @mikepm74, i'm curious to know how steemit was in a start-up period.

That's a good idea. I will

Dear @cryptoctopus, great insights! I'm also one of the newcomers, just started in the summer, did not invest, but tried all kinds of things here on Steemit. It's been really fun, I tried coding for the first time in my life, I tried photo-shopping, now I'm trying song-writing... What a great way to step out of the box, with sometimes success and sometimes not so much :) So yeah, I haven't really been establishing a core competence, still working on that..

But, if you could touch on one subject in a next post: Getting upvotes is one thing, but how to drive more engagement, views and comments to your blog, that is really something I would really like to learn more about.

That's a good one. I will write about this and keep trying new things!

Thanks for highlighting these other steemians, went and followed them, seem like valuable members and great for the community. A topic that might be useful for new members is learning about the different communities within the steemit ecosystem. Most people know about PAL, or minnow support, but I'm talking about some of the smaller groups. learning how to join @curie, getting involved with @steemsports or working alongside @ecotrain. those could be valuable groups to new members trying to find their place

That's a very good idea. I will look into that.

If you need any help fleshing out information about Curie I may be of service there as a Curie Curator. Steemsports is looking for writers, though they don't really advertise as such, but if anyone wants to write about sports for them, I know a guy who knows a guy as it were. ;-)

Hey @mikepm74 I have a friend that writes in the motorsports arena I have been trying to get him to come to steem and start bloging about his racing career and told him we could support his racing by getting STEEM out there on his car and so he can talk to other drivers about sharing there driving experience here. I think the sports community is one of the tight groups that are the real driving force behind the actual sponsorship of a racing team. It is the fans that buy all the products that allow the team to keep racing. So the idea that we could sponsor a team with our upvotes is very exciting as an idea. Thanks for the comment it reminded me that I have some more people to invite to this platform.

Hey allowisticartist! Make sure you are checking out things like sportspodium too. They have an ICO coming up for promoting sports on the blockchain. I am not sure exactly how it works, and I think they are currently "paused" due to some hiccup in their planning, but I think there are some good people involved.

Good sports content is pretty underserved from my viewpoint, so definitely, bring them in and get them writing for us to upvote!

Thanks Mike I will let my buddy know. This is really exciting thanks for the additional info.

I would like to know from you how important the reputation is, what it affects, not for nothing that it increases. You have so clear posts and their content that I think many will be interested in this...

Great Suggestion! Thanks!

Yes, great suggestion!
I've seen people be so happy about reaching a certain reputation level, and I'm wondering why. Are there milestones hidden in those numbers or is it simply: the higher the better?
I also see some people, who have only just joined, have a quite high reputation from the beginning (or after only a few weeks). What makes your reputation grow?

And most importantly: Why is it displayed next to our name so it looks like it would be our age??? LOL

In your future article I would like to know more personal things about you, like for example how has steemit changed your day to day life?

What is your long term plan giving the fact you are very successful on steemit?

I would also like to ask you about your first days on the platform, but I am sure you already talked about that am I right?

I would also like to ask you about your first days on the platform

Same with me. I like to see how advanced steemians started out. People can really learn from what others did, learn from errors made and how to perfect their own progression.

I did but I will try to tell my story a little bit more.

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