
in #cars5 years ago

No, no...I don't mean me on steem...I can post 1000-word [genuine and original] posts all day long; There's no wearing me out y'all, so settle in for the long haul...I'm like the fucking energiser bunny of posting! [I think I just cussed...Sorry to those that have sensitive eyes.] Anyway...Nope, not even close to exhausted myself...

I mean my Landcruiser 200 series four wheel drive.

I have the VX model which I bought new in 2018. So, when April 2020 comes around it will mean two years of ownership; In that time it has only 16,000 kilometres on it, [just under 10,000 miles.] I have other vehicles and have chosen to keep the kays down on the LC for a while.

I've made a few modifications in that time as you may have read earlier in my blogs however haven't really done too much; Certainly not as much as I did to my Ford Ranger truck which had $25,000 of off-road accessories on it within 6 months of me buying it brand new. [I take my off-roading seriously.]

I decided to slow it down and be a little more strategic with my LC200, and put accessories on in a as-needed basis. I've had to hold back and it's been difficult. 😛

Now, just a clarification...No, it's not exhausted either...It is a 4.5L V8 twin turbo diesel beast with 200kw of power and 650nm of torque...Despite its 3 tonne curb-weight it hammers off the line and will haul-hard all the way to well over the speed limit. It's designed for off-roading and towing and its 3.5 tonne towing capacity makes it a very capable tow-motor. So, no it's not exhausted; Just capable.

Having said that, I've decided to help it breathe a little better by way of an aftermarket exhaust system.

Unfortunately with manufacturers on the lower-emissions bandwagon Toyota have fitted a diesel particulate filter [DPF] which captures diesel emissions rather than exhaust them out the tailpipe which is why diesel vehicles don't smoke so much anymore. Eventually the DPF gets full and the vehicle's system super-heats the DFP burning off the bad stuff before exhausting it from the tailpipe in great clouds of white smoke. Yep, seriously, that's how it works. It's shit because it constricts the exhaust process and lowers fuel economy and power. Both bad things in my old-school opinion.

DPF's are bad for engines if the vehicle doesn't run at high temperatures for long periods. However because I'm in the country a lot I'm always running at 110kph+ for hours on end, so mine works as intended as it heats up sufficiently...Those people who potter around the city all the time...Don't buy a diesel vehicle.

So, I'm fitting a King Brown system, an Aussie-made product by Pacemaker. It is a cat-back system meaning it doesn't remove the catalytic converter which would contravene ADR (Australian Design Rules) requirements. I want my vehicle to be legal.

They are easy to fit if one has a vehicle hoist and a clue and I'll be enlisting the services of a mate to help lift the heavy system into place and bolt it up. Of course the old system needs to come out and I'll retain it in the advent of me needing to revert to the factory system at some stage in the future.

The system itself is a twin exhaust 2.5" system constructed from 409 stainless steel exhaust tubing with rolled end caps; It has straight-through design mufflers and will install into the vehicle with no modifications needed.

This system has a couple of benefits...Firstly it will assist spent gasses to exit the vehicle much more efficiently; Essentially it will allow the engine to breathe much more effortlessly. This will give me about a 12-15% saving in diesel which improves my range. On the open road I get about 1200km of range currently so 12% more means about an extra 150km taking my range to around 1350km or so. Me likey.

The system will also give me about 10% more power...And there can never be enough of that. Me likey more power.

Lastly the system will transform the way the vehicle sounds. Currently it doesn't sound like a traditional V8...It's been "politically-corrected"...Emasculated as such. Well, its getting its balls back by way of this system. Me likey.

I've driven an LC200 with this King Brown system bolted up and the deep, throaty V8 sounds is exhilarating...Loud and ballsy under hard acceleration, but under normal driving conditions it just burbles away pleasingly with no droning inside the cabin. Perfecto.

I only made the decision to get this exhaust system last week so haven't got it just yet. I think in a few weeks to a month it'll be on and my LC will be more exhausted. I'll keep you apprised of course, you can count on another 850+ words for sure. [Sorry, I let the team down here...Didn't quite make the 1000-words. Don't worry, as you read this I'm already working on the next one.]

Have a good weekend y'all.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺


Dude, I never heard of a dpf until I got to Europe. The van we bought last year (under warranty) has had its particle filter cleaned 3 times Now. The warranty won’t replace it since they can clean it. Biggest crock ever. If I’m not mistaken it’s almost 1200euros to replace them, but if they have to clean it again, by law, the warranty has to buy a new one or buy our van if they can’t fix it. Hoping it goes south. It’s such political garbage of taking it out on the little guy. One container ship pollutes more in a year than all of the private autos in Germany combined, yet they are hit with all these bullshit taxes, rules, and engine damaging requirements. What a crock

Exactly mate!

If mine ever fails I'm taking it off and running without it although the computer will need to be bypassed if that's the case. Can be done though. It's all bullshit...Making us have DPF's means they (governments) feel like they are doing something for the environment. Wankers.

I suppose you drive a lot in the city if you have problems with your dpf. It is such a bullshit unnecessary part that keeps the engine from actually breathing. In Romania lots of people go dpf off and they gain some horsepower on the way. You have German TUVs there and I don't know if you can pass it without one. Older cars don't have such dpfs and that's the reason they are up and running. You need to drive more on the autobahn and you won't have problems anymore. This way it cleans itself.

That was an exhaustive read🤣. I have seen some testing done on those DPF systems and they don't make much difference in power on a Dyno with or without them fitted. Very nice when you can do an upgrade that gives more power when needed and better fuel economy when cruising along👍

Sharp as a whip @j85063! :)

DPF's are shit and nothing will change my mind on that.

V8's that sound like V8's are legit.

I'm looking forward to the new exhaust.

Not saying a like DPF's at all just surprised power wise not much difference.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah I heard the same...To be honest though I'm not convinced. I mean I've seen some tests but most of who I speak with seem to feel they are restrictive from a power perspective. Maybe it's dependant on the vehicle. I am not removing mine as it is illegal, so I'll do the cat-back exhaust and see how it goes. For me that's a preferable option than re-mapping.

I do certainly wish that I had more mechanical experience. I am learning, but I have a long way to go. This was written in english, however, it only seemed about 50% the same language that I speak hahaha. I'll get there, in time

Haha...Well it takes some time and as I'm an old fucker at 49 I've had plenty. I love knowledge and so am always up for a little bit to flow through to the pea secreted somewhere within my noggin.

Lol... Well you seem not to share much pea on STEEM in my opinion. Either that, or it is pea highly disguised and refined. Did you know that you can extract white phosforus from putrid human urine using cinnamon and charcoal? It glows in the dark and has to be suspended in water, as it is too unstable to have contact with air. If it has any air contact, it will ignite.

I didn't know that...Exploding pee! :)

I meant this sort of pea though...Lol.


Oh... it must be spelled different in the United States.... 😜


Here pee is urine, pea is a vegetable... We eat peas, but not pee. Lol.

Well in the U.S. most people eat peas and not pee as well, but, some people eat both. Some people even don't like peas, but will eat pee. They will even pay you to engage in this vile activity, too. 🤮

Ah yes, I've heard that. Some even eat shit. Not my style though. 🤣

How is it we are talking about this? 🤣🤣

I drive a Prius 2007 model with almost 230,000 on the clock. I think I should get a beefy exhaust system and do laps of the Main Street in town 😅

Sounds like a good idea...I heard there's a healthy Prius-street-racing culture growing stronger day by day. You should make it happen. Strap on a GoPro too: Blog footage and all.

Some hefty first world problems you have here Galen.

Why not just drive it over the spinning spanner, press enter, and repair/upgrade like the rest of us do? :)

Why not just drive it over the spinning spanner, press enter, and repair/upgrade like the rest of us do?

Gaming talk? Yes I agree, it would be much easier to do so I think...Alas, my wife and I have had to apply 32 years, and a lot of effort, to place ourselves in a position to enjoy what we have and the ability to spend some hard-earned money on the few things that make us happy in life.

If only we could boink a few mushrooms with our heads like Super Mario and materialise some coins...But we can't and so we grind it out daily and have done for years...If only life was a video game. We all have first world problems I guess, some are different to others though, and we deal with them in varying ways according to need and opportunity.

Thanks for your comment, as always.

I'm sure! If you want to be involved in the new car market it, gotta work hard :)

Heading out on the road again this morning, I hope the weather is good and the virtual traffic cops are having a day off.

Damn that virtual traffic...Messes with your virtual deadlines and probably uses more diesel too. Keep those big wheels turning and the shiny side up ok?

And get rid of the flu before you turn into a Euro trucker...Virtually. :)

The engine cuts out at 56 mph and so I like to reach top speed and free wheel. Think of the environment officer?!

Cheers, I'm much better now. Just in time for work tomorrow.

Ah yes, good strategy...The driving, not being healthy for work I mean.

I'm off to work tomorrow too...10pm Sunday night here...First day back at work for 2020...It's going to suck ass I think.

Yeah I expect to see a few people walking around like zombies tomorrow. I think I have training starting at 8 am as well, ouch!

Hopefully yours will go smoothly :)

8am training hurts...On a Monday? Wow, someone there needs a throat punch for scheduling that training. As if anyone will stay awake. 🤣

I'm sure I'll be as busy all day...Not looking forward to it, but gotta keep the wolves from the door somehow.

Everyone has their problems, Alejandro Dumas said it at the time in the Count of Montecristo, and said that for each person their problems are serious things, so there is no way to do equivalence, which for some is nonsense, for It can be a problem and consequently it is something that I am going to devote to solving it.

There were many lessons in the CoMC by Dumas. It's one of my favourite stories and I've just finished reading the book only a couple of months ago...The book can be slow-going at times but if read slowly and with regard to the pearls of wisdom...It's worth the hours and hours it takes to read.

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I'm like the fucking energiser bunny of posting! [I think I just cussed...Sorry to those that have sensitive eyes.]

This is very funny!

From what I read, you take your off-roading very seriously. At first I could not understand that I was exhausted, but when I fell into account of what you were referring to, well, you put a smile on my face, you have talent so that a subject like me who is not good at mechanics will get caught in the reading of your post to the last line and is left wanting to know what will happen next :)

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Hi Pedro, I'm pleased you enjoyed the post despite its content not being within your core-interest. I thank you also for your comment about my writing. I'll take a look at the link.

Merci beaucoup.

Vous êtes les bienvenus, plutôt grâce à vous. J'ai vraiment apprécié la lecture.

N'hésitez pas à revenir.

Good Decision, Great Post, Packed Full of Unrestricted / Non-recirculated Technical info.

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Thanks sir.

Howdy sir galenkp! what a hassle. That DPF system. I bet most people don't know they can do what you're doing. That's a great post title.

hey mate, thanks. Yeah DPF, or whatever the manufacturers call their own systems are a part of life now with the focus on the environment. I'm not a fan of them. Yes, I had a few other title options but that seemed the best. Glad you liked it.

When we lived in Ohio we had to take our cars in every couple years to get tested by the environment agency and they were super strict, drove us nuts. Thank goodness Texas doesn't have that.

We don't have annual vehicle roadworthy checks here in South Australia but they do in some other states. I think they also check emissions abut am not sure. Must be annoying.

Yes, just another way to tax us. Like we don't already have enough taxes and regulations!

I was only having this conversation yesterday with a couple of friends...The way life is so complicated and costly...Not an amazing life, just the basic life we lead. Sad really as I think it's changed the way we think and act.

Exactly. The governments have figured out so many ways to take money from us in fees, taxes and regulations that it's criminal.

We had a big laugh, Mrs. J and I, when she joined the law enforcement arm of the county government, she finally gets some of the great benefits of being with the people in control. lol.

She's not going to stay there long but if she did it would be very profitable. Of course the attitudes and the waste she is witnessing is sickening. You and I know that any individual doing such inefficient work would never succeed.

Good to grab a little government benefit when possible...But yes, they are normally the most inefficient places, certainly when compared to the corporate world anyway.

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