
strange ... I'm trying to do some good, yet I'm getting downvotes ...

did you even bother looking at my post?

I get nothing but compliments in the comments ...

No, it's not "good". You're spamming your post as advertisement on other people's content that is 100% irrelevant to the post content itself. That's trashy behavior. Don't do it.

@luminousvisions Rather than becoming defensive, remember that you are commenting on @krnel's post, which kinda means you're putting a sign in his front yard. Even if you think your sign is valuable, it's his yard, so it's his call. Your best bet may be to apologize and start a list of people whose posts you won't advertise on. Others may welcome your efforts, and your advertising can be effective there, but here it can only harm you.

Now to be fair, @krnel, just because it's an ad doesn't mean it's spam. If you don't like the ad, downvote it and ideally give a reason why so he can learn and do better next time (isn't that what the OP is all about?), but don't call it spam and trashy. There's plenty of real spam out there, and this is not that. I think @luminousvisions is honestly trying to create value here, so our goal should be to help him do that better, not discourage him.

Yeah, sure. But I have explained in another reply to you why it's not valid, and is spam advertising. Here is the definition of spamming:

Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send an unsolicited message (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site.

This user was 1) sending unsolicited messages on my content that they don't even talk about in their post, so it's not a simple link-back, as I explained. 2) it's advertising. 3) they are sending the SAME copy/paste message on the same site.. Steemit... This does qualify as spam, albeit true that it's not as bad as other people's spam, granted. That's doesn't disqualify it as actual spam though.

Thanks. Peace.

I'm trying to bring the community together by listing authors from as many different tag's as possible, but all sorted together, in the hopes that people will find each other and vote some more for each other

and, yes, I need to 'spam' your post to let you know ... but it is relevant; I'm linking from my post to your post ... why are you making a problem out of it?

this will help you! this will help everybody! it's not just about your own posts, this is a community

and that you downvote the comment I posted under your post, ok, that's your good right, but to start downvoting a bunch of my comments ... that's just mean and childish!

You're spamming other people's work to advertise your post. You're not addressing the content of their post at all. It's irrelevant, it's spam. I removed my downvote flags after I did because I don't want to be using all my votes in one day just to teach you internet etiquette on posting relevant comments on people's content. "Mean" and "childish". You're the childish one that thinks its "good" to go spamming a copy/paste comment on people's posts that has nothing to do with their content, just so you can get upvotes for your post. Grow up.

With your attitude, I could just go around and spam my post link as a comment on other people's work because it "helps everybody" learn about truth.... right...

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