Police Go Undercover for Months, Spend Thousands to Bust FSU Quarterback with Tiny Bit of Weed

in #cannabis6 years ago

By Jack Burns

 Tallahassee, FL — Proving police are more interested in making  high-profile arrests of cannabis users than they are in going after more  serious unsolved crimes, authorities raided Florida State University  quarterback Deondre Francois’ apartment in a quest to find the college  quarterback in possession of the semi-prohibited plant. The costly  months-long investigation saw investigators digging through Francois’  trash all in an effort to collect enough evidence for a search warrant. 

According to the Orlando Sentinel,  an anonymous male tipster stated he saw a grocery bag filled with  cannabis while he was a guest inside Francois’ apartment in February.  Acting on the anonymous allegation, Tallahassee police started digging  through the quarterback’s trash for months. According to the report, his  trash was searched on four separate occasions and trash pickup usually  occurs weekly. The collection of trash reportedly yielded cannabis residue, weed  dust, and was used to obtain a search warrant of his apartment. 

Last  Thursday, Francois’ apartment was searched and 17 grams of marijuana  were discovered. According to ESPN, the quarterback claimed the weed belonged to his girlfriend. Nevertheless, Francois was punished. The FSU football player was not arrested nor charged with any  felonies. Instead, he’ll have to attend a drug diversion program which  will likely involve random drug testing for a period of time, usually a  year. FSU’s new football coach, Willie Taggart is standing beside his  player. He said he met with Francois and discussed the incident which  the team will be handling internally. Taggart told reporters: 

He’s still with our football team … We talked about his  responsibility as a student athlete here, and he understands my  expectations and what I’m looking for, especially when it comes to our  quarterback.

Some who do not understand the politics surrounding why cannabis is  still illegal under federal law may be quick to judge Francois and ask  the question, “Why would such an up and coming quarterback, who plays  for one of the nation’s best teams, run the risk of getting kicked out  of college and forfeit a potential NFL contract?” The answer may be  something as simple as Francois may just be using cannabis as the best  medicine for a chronic brain condition which affects nearly everyone who  plays football. 

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) was discovered by Bennet  Ifeakandu Omalu, a Nigerian-American forensic pathologist and is  believed to be a brain condition which reaches epidemic proportions  among football players, soccer players, and other athletes who  experience repeated blows to the head while playing contact sports.  Since the landmark discovery, several scientific studies have been  conducted which reveal quite startling statistics. Ninety-nine percent of the brains of former NFL players have shown symptoms of CTE. And eighty-eight percent of former collegiate players’ brains were shown to have CTE. 

“What does CTE have to do with Francois’ arrest?” one might be  tempted to ask. The answer is common sense and serves not only to  illustrate America’s failed attempt to wage a destructive war on  cannabis users, but also monumental ignorance about how cannabis helps  sufferers of CTE. Statistically speaking, Francois likely has CTE. Sufferers complain of the following symptoms:  

  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty planning, organizing, prioritizing, paying attention, and starting tasks
  • Confusion
  • Depression or suicidal behavior
  • Impulsivity and impaired judgment
  • Anger, aggressiveness, and irritability
  • Progressive dementia

Several NFL players with CTE have committed suicide over its effects, with some even donating their brains  for research following the termination of their lives. The condition  should be treated with the best medicine available. To many former NFL  football players, cannabis is the best natural medicine available. 

Currently, cannabis’ effects on CTE are being studied by Johns  Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Pennsylvania Biotechnology  Center, among other research institutions. But for former players  like Eugene Monroe, a Baltimore Ravens tackle, the ability of cannabis  to fight CTE is without rival. 

Monroe said, “We now know that  [opioids] are not as safe as doctors thought, causing higher rates of  addiction…and we have cannabis, which is far healthier, far less  addictive, and quite frankly, can be better in managing pain.” 

Frankly, the Tallahassee PD should give Francois his medicine back,  apologize for digging through his trash and leave the man alone. 

The  only thing Francois could have done to prevent his cannabis shaming  would have been to have obtained a Florida medical marijuana card, and  used his medicine legally, without fear some cop would dig through his  trash to hold it against him in a court of law. However, lawmakers, growers, and the inaccessibility of dispensaries in Florida are  hampering the enactment of Florida’s medical marijuana program. 

It’s  time law enforcement, legislatures, and medical entities in Florida get  their proverbial act together and stop shaming pot smokers. Spending  thousands of tax dollars on a victimless crime, violating one’s privacy,  and denying a football player access to his medicine is a crying shame. 

Francois now has to do community service, avoid any criminal activity  for a period up to a year, and must also pay a fine of $100 for  prosecution to the state attorney’s office. Coach Taggart noted Francois  now has to be more careful: 

He’s got to be smart about who he’s around and what he’s  around, and make good decisions…I advise him to just make sure he’s  around his teammates all the time.

That seems like good advice, but better advice might be to drop out  of FSU, sign a fat contract with the Canadian Football League and enjoy  all the weed you want as Canada is about to legalize this medicine on a  national level. 

 We are the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability. All of our content was created by our team of artists and writers. Learn more about us on our website thefreethoughtproject.com.


Stories like this make me really upset!! So these cops spent Florida citizens tax dollars on investigating a Football player to seize 17 grams of cannabis. Come on, the person in charge that allowed them to do this should be fired and have to pay the costs of the investigation out of his paycheck. Even if he was selling cannabis, who cares. It’s a plant that grows in the ground naturally. Which only possibility harms the person that smokes it, which I would beg to say that’s not even true. The police in this nation are just here to serve the corporate elite’s agenda of holding us down, and getting people trapped in the system. Now there going to be watching him like a hawk, and try in keep him under media scrutiny, so they can scare kids into not using cannabis. Kids of the world cannabis helped shape me into the person I am today and I’m so thankful it’s a part of my life.

Shame on them. Trying to run down the same people they buy the same shit from. Well, sadly thats how the world. I'm glad they wasted their time. Well, as the popular saying goes "Fuck the police".

I am guessing there are not any weed laws in FLA, yet. This is BS. Did they get warrants to search his trash? Where is the accountability of our police forces? WE PAY FOR THIS SHIT? It is time for us to FORCE Congress to end this prohibition once and for all. Call your REP. from your state and demand it! Thanks for your reporting. RESPECT!

Florida is still working on medical, and they still have pretty tight laws there

Wish I could give you guys all my upvotes. Keep up the good work.

Loolll @tftproject you should have put this under the 'funny'section

😂 the absurdity continues

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