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RE: Fully Extracted "Craft" Cannabis Oil: Chapter 4, Having The Plant Medicine Professionally Tested For Potency At Medicine Wheel

in #cannabis7 years ago

Thank you so much @happyme! That's fantastic about the e-book piece. It just occurred to me that I've been amassing a good amount of information and if I can make it flow together, maybe I would have enough material for an actual ebook. I have no idea what kind of time I would have to invest to do this and I haven't even looked into how I should or could go about it.


Making an e-book itself is not that difficult. For me, if I recall correctly, about half the time (perhaps more) was used in creating all the links. Because his book is about names, I had to create a link from every name in the book to its appropriate section in the book. That was a huge job! For a normal book, it is possible to copy and paste the text from anywhere and let the software do its magic. Then edit to your own specifications and create your chapter sections and index. Your series on cannabis would be plenty for creating an e-book. They need not be novels! If I wasn't already over-loaded, I would take what you have posted and make one for you so you can see for yourself. Hopefully when Winter sets in I will have more free time and can do that for you (unless you like to do things on your own for full control, in which case I can tell you what free software to use). It has been so long since I made that book, I can't say for sure how long it took me, but I think it was about 2 or 3 weeks, including all the learning and correcting of unexpected results. I probably devoted 2 - 3 days on researching what format to use and which software would give me the results I wanted. I'm happy to share all that I know.

Thanks so much for this @happyme. It does sound like a winter project to me too. I don't have any attachment to the control piece. I was only thinking about what I could do with all the material that I have currently written on the subject of cannabis and wouldn't it be great to have a book with it all put into an order that would flow and be a pleasure to read. Before I joined Steemit, I decided that I wanted to write a book. I even have a title and bought the domain name for it. The name is "Before the Buzzards Circle." I use cannabis along with a high plant based eating lifestyle to keep MS at bay. So the intro would be a small piece about why I'm so heavily involved in the cannabis culture based on a health crisis that I faced. Then, the rest of the book will be about sharing what I've learned.
When I joined Steemit, I started writing here, everyday and basically have done nothing with my "Before the Buzzards Circle" book concept.

I'm using to make this reply since is down again and 2 of my posts didn't go through, and I'm just figuring out this new interface, so if I mess up, that's why.

You bought a domain name for a book? When I think of domain names, I think of websites and their addresses. To make an e-book, you don't need a website (just some place to distribute the book from, which could be by e-mail). In fact I copied that last post of yours and pasted it into the software I use for creating the book. Of course none of the images were copied over and I would need to paste the images in one by one. I could send you the result in an e-mail, but I'm not fond of making any e-mail addresses publicly available on the Internet because of all the bots that scrape these addresses and then flood your inbox with junk and sell the address so others can do the same! nnnarvaez got me using Telegram as a private chat method, so if you wish to use that we could share e-mails that way if you like and I can send you the book as a sample. I'm guessing you have never used an e-reader before and I can send the link to a good one that you can use to open and see what an e-book looks like. I used the happyme name in Telegram so that nnnarvaez could find me easily there and get connected. He goes by a different name there, so I wasn't able to find him, but he found me.

Thank you @happyme.
Yes, I bought a domain name that matches the title of my book so that I will have diversity in case I want to offer products for sale and/or other services of some type in the future, under that brand.
As to Telegram, I've gone so far as to start the set-up of it but I don't want to give a phone number out, nor really set up another messaging program. I have sent you a message through and I will leave an email there. Hopefully this will work eventually and you"ll be able to retrieve it.
I have used an e-reader quite a bit, so no need for an example to be sent.
Thanks again for chatting about this with me. It's interesting. ;)

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