Homemade Ice Cream Infused with Lemon, Ginger and CannabissteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

Today I learned that I could make homemade cannabis infused ice cream from scratch without using refined sugar, edible oils and the gum fillers that are typically used to make  commercially prepared ice cream. That translates into a healthier recipe with a hand-full of recognizable ingredients that you can easily pronounce.

(Wow!!! I didn't think that I could do it either...make cannabis infused ice-cream, that is.)

Yet, here we are.

(Now, this recipe will make a very nice non-cannabis ice-cream too. Just omit the 1/4 cup of infused bee honey and increase the amount of regular bee honey from 3/4 cup to 1 cup. This will ensure that all your ratios will remain the same.)

I'm not going to sugar coat this.

It's a long process of chemical reactions and infusions. Some taking longer than others and spanning over a few days.

This is not a recipe that you can make in the morning and enjoy in the afternoon. It requires cooking without curdling and combining after tempering with the grand finale being the right level of chill to churn the blend into soft ice cream. This can then be followed by hardening the mixture off further. By freezing the soft ice cream for another 24 hours, it will harden to the point that you will require some healthy arm muscles to scoop.

Yeah, it's a labour of love for sure.

I did think at one point, that the scene in our kitchen was starting to look more like a research lab, than the heart of our house. Between my notes, my camera and a line up of specialty kitchen appliances and tools, it looked a bit serious.

For a special occasion or just to have on-hand in case the mood strikes, I can attest to the fact that it is worth taking the time to make the effort. 

Here are the tools you'll need:

  1. a magical butter machine;
  2. a high speed blender;
  3. a stand mixer with mixing bowl, plus, the paddle, and whisk attachment;
  4. an ice-cream maker or ice-cream maker attachment for your stand mixer;
  5. a fine mesh strainer;
  6. a whisk;
  7. a small sauce pan;
  8. a medium size bowl to hold the milk blend;
  9. a medium size pot (It should hold 3 litres);
  10. a rasp to grate the ginger and lemon peel;
  11. a medium size freezer-safe seal-able container (It should hold 3 litres); 
  12. and a silicone or soft flexible spatula. 

Here are the ingredients that you'll need:

  1. 1 litre of water buffalo milk or whole milk;
  2. 250 ml of 35% heavy cream;
  3. 6 egg yolks;
  4. 3/4 cup of bee honey;
  5. 1/4 cup of infused bee honey with the cannabis strain of your choice;
  6. 2 tbsp of agave infused with vanilla beans;
  7. the rind of 3 medium size lemons;
  8. 1 inch piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and grated;
  9. 1 tsp of cinnamon;
  10. and 1/4 tsp of nutmeg;

Before we even start to make the ice cream, you must make the cannabis infused bee honey first. Here's one of my previous posts which will explain how to do it:



  • Grate the lemon rinds.

  • Grate the ginger root.

  • Add the water buffalo milk to the pitcher of the Magical Butter Machine.
  • Then add all the lemon rind and grated ginger to the machine.

  • Set the lid in place and set the temperature to 160 degrees F. Then, set the timer for 1 hour. (This will infuse the milk with lemon and ginger.)

  • After the hour and the machine shuts off, strain the milk into a medium pot and discard any lemon rind and bits of ginger that the strainer caught.

  • Put the pot on the stove and add the cinnamon and the nutmeg. (Don't turn the stove on yet. The milk mixture is quite hot and it needs to cool a little bit.)

  • Blend well with a whisk.

  • Just let this blend cool for a few minutes while you separate the egg yolks and blend them with the regular bee honey and vanilla infused agave syrup.

  • Add 1 cup of 35% heavy cream and blend well.

  • Temper the mixture containing the egg yolks by slowly adding 1 cup of the hot infused milk mixture to it. Whisk briskly. The goal is to even out the temperature of the two mixtures without cooking the egg yolks into a scramble. Add one more cup and whisk briskly.

  • Then, pour the tempered mixture (containing the egg yolks) into the infused milk mixture. Set the flame to medium-low and gently heat until bubbles start to form around the edges of the pot.
  • Simultaneously, gently warm the cannabis infused honey in a small sauce pan. Remove it from the heat as soon as it becomes thin and liquid-like in consistency.

  • Pour the warmed milk and egg mixture into a high speed blender and add the cannabis infused honey. Make sure the lid is secured and blend on high speed for a minute. The goal is to make sure that the honey is evenly dispersed through-out the mixture.
  • Strain this mixture one last time into a glass container with a lid. Make sure the lid is sealed and place it into the refrigerator to chill.
  • Chill for 15 hours. (This part is exceptionally important. You must cool the ice cream mixture to between 2-5 degrees Celsius. The colder the mixture is, the better it will churn in the ice cream appliance.)
  • Add the ice cream mixture to the ice cream appliance. (I'm using the ice cream maker Kitchenaid stand mixer attachment. I prepared it by freezing it for 48 hours in advance of churning the mixture.)

  • Churn it for 30 minutes.

  • As the mixture churns, it will freeze and thicken up to the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. As this blend is made predominantly from water buffalo milk, it could be called a "gelato" at this point. 
  • Remove it from the ice cream maker and put into a freezer-safe container with a tightly closing lid.

  • Freeze this soft ice cream for 24 hours to create hard, scoop-able  ice cream.

Enjoy! (Start with a baby size scoop.) ;)

I welcome your comments and invite you to join me at my table...there's always room for one more.

~ Rebecca Ryan


Interesting combination and nicely presented. Following.

Thank you very much @showroom! I have reciprocated.

Lemon and Cannabis

Looks so delicious!! Thanks for the share. Definitely got to try this.

Thanks @whotiewho! I hope you do get to try it sometime. ( PS: I love your name.) ;)

Thank you. :)

I love you! This is so amazing I gotta try it. Right on medicated milkshakes here I come!

I made chocolate too @ganjafarmer! I am currently writing the recipe for it. Should have it done by tomorrow. :)

Yum, you are amazing. Let's call this
"Medical Ice Cream" and become a
"get rich quick millionaire"

There is no doubt in my mind...that this is a million dollar idea.
Just working on a good name.
So far, I have come up with "Snoop Scoops" but then I thought it sounds like a name you would use for an appliance that makes picking up dog waste easier. LMAO...back to the drawing board.

OMG you're too funny for words!

Yum! Could use some ice cream over here! Hot tropical day! Great post!

Wish I could instantly send you some @amy-goodrich! I have made chocolate ice cream as well and I was thinking about trying to do it with coconut cream to produce a non-dairy version. ;)

Thanks! That ould be sweet... when are those teleports finally coming or super fast drones would be cool too.... Hmm coconut ice cream is the best!

I've never eaten 100% coconut ice cream. I think the trick would be to find the highest fat coconut cream that you can, in order for it to turn out like ice cream instead of a sorbet. I will have to think some more about this.

Looking forward to the recipe :-)

Got tired imagining your lab...what't the best partner for ice cream..bailey's?

Hahaha! Well, in my world, the best partner for lemon ginger ice cream is the cannabis strain: Super Lemon Haze @immarojas. ;)

Sounds exotic @rebeccaryan! cannabis coaches are needed in the Philippines, don't you need another vacation??

I would come if I could do so without getting arrested @immarojas. What are the current laws surrounding cannabis in the Philippines currently @immarojas?
Hey, aren't you living in England at the moment?

I am yes..don't know much about the laws here in UK but in the Phil, it's just been passed. That's all it have, i've never heard of a Fil cannabis coach or any personnel that can prescribe as such. What we have in huge amounts are marijuana plants.

Wow! That's great. I suppose if there are a huge amount of plants than people know what to do with it. I'll have to check-into the cannabis scene in the Philippines because I currently know nothing about it.

These plantations were being burnt by the military before the bill but since the 2016 presidential election, President Duterte was very vocal in wanting to legalise it for medical purposes. There's nothing in place after that nor the public is ready so it's only being used recreationally same old ways.

Wow! Can't imagine the ice-cream. Looks so yummy. @rebeccaryan

Thanks @bontonstory. The taste is really lemony with the heat of ginger. It reminded me of ginger-bread in its flavour. I think I could easily change out the lemon and add pumpkin to this to make pumpkin pie flavoured ice cream next. lol

Sounds very yummy. Your comment definitely helped me to imagine the flavor. @rebeccaryan :)

wow, what a process!

Yes! Wish it didn't take so long...but it is worth the wait. ;)

@rebeccaryan, summer is coming soon, I like homemade Ice Cream and will try it for my child. it looks very good, thank you for your sharing.

You are most welcome @helene! Thanks for commenting.
Once you make the base mixture you can flavour it anyway you want to. I made a chocolate batch by add 3 tbsp of cocoa to it. I just haven't decided if I'm going to post it because it's very similar. :)

wow!chocolate must be more yummy! you can post it if you like. as for similar, let it go..

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