Almond Butter Cannabis Cookies, Gluten-free

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)


These are gluten-free, almond butter cookies that contain 2 ounces of cannabis pulp.

I have added 1 ounce (or 30 grams) of Chem Dawg  and 1 ounce (or 30 grams) of a strain called Teslin.

This "cannabis pulp" is the left-over bud material that is a by-product of infusing coconut oil.

Many people think that when they infuse a butter or an oil with cannabis, the cannabis is completely stripped of its potency. This is not the case.

Even After An 8 Hour Infusion 

Once strained from the infusion (butter or oil) the remaining cannabis pulp will still contain approximately 48% of its original psycho-active, capability. The pulp freezes really well so you don't have to bake with it on the same day that you strain it from your infusion. I often just label the container with the name of the strain and I freeze 1 ounce (or 30 grams) in each small freezer-safe container. This makes it easier to measure when you do want to make a medicated edible.

Cannabis Pulp Is Perfect To Use In Baking

Start by gathering the ingredients.

Dry Ingredients:

  • 1 cup of gluten-free all purpose flour (I use Bob's Red Mill.)
  • 1/2 cup of finely ground walnuts
  • 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan salt
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 3/4 cup of dark chocolate chips + 1/4 cup to garnish


Add all the dry ingredients (with the exception of the baking soda) to the bowl of a food processor and blend to combine. Set the blended dry ingredients aside in another bowl.

Wet Ingredients:

  • 1 tsp of hot water mixed with the baking soda
  • 3/4 cup of maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup of almond butter
  • 1/4 cup of unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs (at room temperature)
  • 2 oz of cannabis pulp (The strains of your choice.)
  • 2 tsp of pure vanilla extract


Mix the baking soda with the hot water in a small glass and set aside. Add all the ingredients (except the cannabis pulp and the baking soda water) to the bowl of the food processor and blend well. Add the baking soda water and blend again. Then add the cannabis pulp and blend really well.

Add 3/4 of a cup of chocolate chips to the top of the batter in the bowl of the food processor. Just pulse this into the batter in 3 pulses. The goal is to leave the chips intact.

Place the batter in the fridge and let it chill for 1 hour. (Yes, a whole hour.)

While you wait for the batter to chill, prepare your cookie sheet by oiling it and lining it with parchment paper. (Don't forget to preheat the oven to 350 degrees F once you take the batter out of the fridge.)


Once chilled, drop batter onto the baking sheet using a generous tsp amount. Garnish the top of each cookie with 3 whole chocolate chips. Bake for 13 minutes but watch them carefully after the 9 minute mark. You want to take them out, just as they are starting to brown around the edges. Let them start to cool on the cookie sheet for 3 minutes before you move them to a cooling rack.

This recipe yields 40 soft and chewy cookies, that freeze really well and are meant to be safely enjoyed one at a time. They can be stored in an air-tight container to keep them soft and chewy. ;)


I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...move over Kebbler Elves. I know you've been on the cookie block  since 1853, but it's time to step up the cookie game. ;)


~ Rebecca Ryan


I like the process that you have shown to us to make "cannabis cookies." And gluten free too. What's not to like for nearly anyone?
As much as I love to look at your photos and look at all the ingredients. Nothing like that will be made in this house.
Oh well. We can't have everything. And I am too lazy to fix it for myself. Ha.
Would the day come that we can just pay someone to do what we cannot or won't do for ourselves. We can dream anyway.
So delicious to look at. Yet so far away. Sigh.............


Not to worry Francis, just leave the cannabis out and you can still make an excellent, soft, chewy chocolate chip cookie, following the same recipe. ;)

I am sad tonight. I will post about it tomorrow. No. No one is hurt or sick. Just my trading feelings. Ha
You once sent to me an "Amazing Grace" video. I loved it.
Here is one of the best singers in the world to sing that song.
I will post another song tomorrow singing my sorrow. lol

Amira Willighagen

Sorry to be off topic. Forgive.


What a beauty Francis!
How powerful that would feel to experience it live.
It's amazing to me what "some" human bodies are capable of.
It sounds like you had quite a frustrating day...between trying to move back into your house after being away for 4 months or so, getting your internet to work and having to replace a refrigerator.
I guess trading didn't go so well either...
Tomorrow will be another opportunity. Let it redeem you.
It's mental slavery. I wish you freedom from the tortures of your own mind.

PS: If I could give you a Marley cookie, right now I would. ;)

A Marley cookie for the little boy. Oh yes. Sometimes I feel so small.
I liked your song. I know. I am dragging you off topic. Sorry.
Thank you for understanding. Tomorrow is a "redemption day"for me.


No. not a cookie for a little boy, a cookie to ease the gut-wrenching pain that a very good MAN feels when he THINKS he has let himself and the people that he cares about down. I wish you didn't feel sick over this. You haven't let anybody down. To do your job, you have to take risks. Some will work out and some won't. Obviously we want the risks to pay off, instead of costing, but I think some days are just naturally going to fall on the costing side. Yes, tomorrow will be the redemption. ;)

thank you ! @francisk :-) needed this this morning, without you knowing, you made me happy i hope it helps you to feel better. I wonder do we all have that feeling with this song? when it is sung as nice as this. My hairs come straight up, i feel shivers going over my body, and water behind my eyes trying to burst out, feel so small with this !

Thank you so much for your kind words of thanks.
That is what we all try to do on Steemit. Is to lift each other up.
@rebeccaryan is one of the best on Steemit too.
Such a good friend. We all love her.


i noticed that :-) i am joining that club...

I love it when they are soft and chewy my friend! Just wondering if the effect of the cannabis is affected at what temperature? Would like to know more on this!

Hi @progressivechef!
The simple answer is yes. There are 111 known medicinal cannabinoids in the plant that we know of so far. Each one has a slightly different temperature that they activate at. Most are in 10-15 degrees of each other with the exception of CBD. It takes one of the hottest temperatures 265 -295 F for a much longer time 60-75 minutes as opposed to 240 F for 45 minutes. This is why decarbing in advance of cooking or baking with it is a critical step. You'd never bake cookies for 45 minutes in a hot oven because there would only be charred remains left. ;)

Thanks so much for the clear explanation my friend, you are always so helpful to everyone!
You rock my friend!

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Hi @rebeccaryan nice works ;)

Nobody can see your posts or comments. You're welcome!!

I don't know why you have chosen to down-vote someone for a benign comment on my post @steemservices....
@allabout is a friend of mine and I see nothing wrong with the comment that was left for me.
I'm not a fan of down voting for no good reason and I'm giving you an opportunity to explain why you choose this action on my recipe post, before I take further actions of my own.
I also see that you have upvoted your own comment.

they are hackers whos manipulating for money on everything in steemit.

Thanks for having a look at my recipe and commenting @allabout!

In fact my dear friend @rebeccaryan
I hope that I will eat that eating, it is many comments when some thank them in a big way, so I want to try to make and eat and then I will tell you Rai
It is possible that you will tell me to cut it and tell me your head on my behalf

Hi @walidsalah!
Ok, I am very nervous for you. To the best of my knowledge, the country you are currently in has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to the herb, cannabis. So, if you do decide to try this recipe you will need to make it without cannabis. The affects of a starter dose of the herb would be the equivalency of have a single shot of hard liquor or a large glass of red wine. The dose in one of these cookies would be equivalent to 6 shots or a bottle and a half of wine. If you and your wife ever come to Canada for a visit, I promise that I will teach you and I will make a gentler dose of these cookies for you to try, my friend. ;)

Thank you my dear friend
Perhaps the food you have is a bit different from us, but you have to get stuck at some point
Thank you so much

Looks yummy. It's been so long since I've eaten "brownies", I'll have to remember this recipe!

It's a good cookie recipe and will work just as well with or without cannabis. I hope you do give it a whirl sometime @kate-m! :)

Thing is I'm not a natural baker. I hate measuring things out and unless I practice a good bit more I won't get to the stage that I can just gauge things by eye, which is how I do nearly all of my cooking. Making things up as you go along just doesn't give very good results in baking!

Funny @ankitchoudhary! That's exactly how my own eyes look about 2 hours after I eat one of these cookies. LOL!

That's crazy :O I like it. I will definitely try this out! Thank you rebecca! Cookies are one of my favorite! You are an iron chef!


I am very surprised ! The recipe includes a canape, I would like to try it. . Tell me what is his taste? They look very appetizing.

They taste like a soft chewy chocolate chip cookie @magnata. The cannabis flavour is completely buried which means that you must exercise caution when eating them because it's hard to stop at one.
But you must or you'll be high for a long time. The effects of one cookie can last 8 hours. :)

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