👀🔥💃Red Headed Stranger!💃by Revolution Cannabis - Illinois Medical Cannabis Product (Flowers)🌲

in #cannabis7 years ago


Red Headed Stranger by Revolution Cannabis

She's beautiful ain't she? I was impressed by her looks, but the smell made me think this strain would not be for me, at first...


The Numbers

Testing at over 25% total cannaboids, she's potent, there's no denying it.


Sativa Dominant

This is a nice sativa dominant strain. I haven't quite figured out how to describe the flavor. It is hazey, sweet, it has a tinge of the flavor I love in Colorado Chem. I love how I just said I haven't figured out how to describe it, then I described it.



What you want from a sativa, it's uplifting, but soft and gentle. The Red Headed Stranger treats you nice


I need more

This strain has grown on me quickly, and I need more.


Check out my Instagram @gradybrownmm
Grady Brown


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Respect from patient to patient! Great to see folks in Illinois medicating on high grade. Experience some of it myself and it was a real treat!

I hate it when people refer to themselves as patients when it comes to weed. You come across as needing to associate with that victim mentality. I have a drink or a puff at the end of the day to decompress and get myself right, I'm not a patient, i am a human.

Look I get it from the perspective of keeping up the facade to push the agenda of medical marijuana to ensure access, but we are at a point where it's about pure legalization. It's no longer medical marijuana, it's commercial cannabis. And to be clear, this is an unmitigatedly GREAT thing. But just like other social justice causes need to drop this victim mindset, so do us humans who enjoy enjoyment.

Obvious caveat of cancer/aids patients, but again those are cancer and aids patients, not people who are jus ahead of the curve on this.

Fairly judgmental. In the state of CA or IL, you literally need to be a medical cannabis patient to consume cannabis legally at all. Medical = safe access, for the most part.

Cannabis is not alcohol, either. I don't drink, just not my thing. Prefer cannabis in all its forms. I see it work for a number of legitimate cannabis patients with a variety of issues, not just AIDS/cancer. This is not a social justice issue - this has nothing to do with identity politics, etc. It is a human rights issue.

Whether you like it or not, the term patient (in reference to someone who uses medical cannabis specifically to treat an issue in their life, mental or physical) will continued to be used for a long time.

Look, philosophically I think we are on the same page, I'm pointing out what I see as a critical difference in the vernacular, the way we speak about this subject. Since the gay marriage ruling, I predicted that freedom of choice as it pertains to how we interact with our own bodies would be the next civil rights issue this country addresses. I believe (and hope) I'm correct about this. Right now IL is a medical state versus a recreational state, but the behavior is still the same. Just because I'm Illinois I need to jump through a few more hoops to legally purchase weed doesn't make me a patient any more than a black person graduated from Harvard and as a 7 figure job in manhattan is oppressed. These are obviously 2 different areas of civil rights but identity politics lurk in both places, as someone who is strongly in favor of self determination as it pertains to our own bodies, I just want to do what I can to prevent this cause from going down the dark side of the SJW Illiberal movement.

The lynchpin of this downward spiral is the celebration of ones status as a victim or a member of the oppressed. I hate that path.

Your simply not going to get a card in illinois without a qualifying condition.

You can jump through hoolah hoops all day

No thanks, man. I already see where you're going. This has nothing to do with gay marriage, race, or whatever other scapegoat you want to use.

Dealing with your issues doesn't make you a victim. Cannabis is medicine. End of story.

It actually does from the perspective that it is a civil rights issue - the right to sovereignty over ones own body. I'm just saying, based on how the other civil rights movents have gone off the rails in creating a culture of victim hood, I am pushing back against that issue where I can see an opening with this issue

You come across as pompus and self righteous. I can't function without cannabis, I have epilepsy.

There is no just ahead of the curve with most cannabis patients in illinois. The law is incredibly strict and as far as I can tell would be very difficuly to cheat.

You should work on your judgemental and self righteous attitude.

I'm not saying it doesn't have medicinal properties and I certainty am aware of the medicinal effects of things like CBD for people with epilepsy, but 99% of people who use of play the medicinal card are either uninformed or abusing the term. This is harmful to both the legalization cause as a whole, because it destroys its credibility, AND just like this whole gluten free dad hurts people who actually have celiacs disease in that true sufferers aren't taken seriously in the face of all of the white noise , the same can be said for medicinal marijuana. When I said cancer/hiv, you should read that as a space saving exemplar for - serious an real ailments where the drug has an actual physiological effect on the expression of the disease. With those two conditions, it helps with wasting and pain, CBD absolutsly helps prevent seizures, but if you're here saying you need it medicinally "for mental health purposes" you are part of the problem. You want it because it makes you feel good, which is totally 1000% fine. But when people say they need it when they need it for mental health reasons, meaning that it helps them relax and reduce stress, you are feeding the fire of people like Jeff sessions.

Obviously you don't read. I am an epilepsy patient, so again you come across as a pompus ass. No one in Illinois is breaking the rules to get a card, it's just not happening.

You clearly have no idea what your talking about. CBD and THC work together in conjunction to help with epilepsy. CBD is not that effective without THC.

Your in the wrong, end of story.

I'm not a Doctor, I'm not making any claims over the relative doses needed of each drug that makes it most effective and I specifically set aside people with actual medical conditions away from my point. I think the best comparison as it relates to your perspective is the gluten comparison - some people have celiacs disease and truly cannot have any gluten or else they get very sick, most people don't and are just making shit up to self identify in a group. Those people hurt the people who have celiacs disease because the public doesn't take them seriously - like the boy who cried wolf.

I'm not wrong because I'm not actually making any of the claims you are ascribing to me.

I would add that I am aware of how tight the regulations are in Illinois regarding getting a medical card, that doesn't meat that it is ever impossible to get one. Systems of men are always prone to corruption and abuse.

People have every right to imbibe substances like cannibis without government intervention. People shouldnt have to hide behind 'medicinal' as the reason they want to use it. When you use 'medicine' as your excuse and then accuse detractors as not being sensitive to your condition, you are engaging in self victimization which instantly turns the very people you are trying to convince irreparably against you. Instead use conservative/libertarian arguments with those people and they will not be able to come back with a credible or non-hypocritical counterpoint

You are being WILLFULLY ignorant at this point.

How so? I fully acknowledge cannabis's medicinal properties, in just weary that now that it's becoming more accepted, it's proponents are going down the road of SJWs in other contexts.

I'm curious to see if you actually understand my position here because your responses to my posts seem to imply a position I'm not actually taking.

"I hate it when people refer to themselves as patients when it comes to weed. You come across as needing to associate with that victim mentality. I have a drink or a puff at the end of the day to decompress and get myself right, I'm not a patient, i am a human."
-Your position

"With those two conditions, it helps with wasting and pain, CBD absolutsly helps prevent seizures, but if you're here saying you need it medicinally "for mental health purposes" you are part of the problem."
-Your response to me saying I have epilepsy.

I don't have the time or energy to do more effort then that to point your own ignorance out to you.

That was in response to @gamblor710 - this entire conversation was in response to gamblor710, but I'm not going to step off my position just because you're challenging it instead of him. I specifically excepted 3 forms of disease here, including seizures - which is a reference to epilepsy.

But my point still stands unresponded to. The term medical marijuana is being abused - this hurts both those where cannabis actually is the most effective treatment option for their disease and it hurts those who want the plant to be completely legalized because it causes the conversation to be couched in weed needing to be a wunderdrug and then recreational use is used as a weapon against it.

BTW This is where this subject is EXACTLY like a SJW social issue because we agree on anywhere between 85-100% of this, but we are coming at the same issue from different perspectives and it doesn't seem like we can reach a consensus. We are talking past each other.

Sweet, thanks for stopping by. I'll follow you and see what happens :)

Beautiful bud as always man :)

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