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RE: Cannabis update!

in #cannabis6 years ago

I’ll try to do more KNF thing this year. I did a small batch of FAA last year. It has been sitting for a year and the pieces of fish have not totally dissolved. It is now looking like honey with fish pieces inside. Maybe I added too much sugar. I will have to measure properly this time.

I also want to start with FPJ.

Posted using Partiko iOS


I have emails i gotta dig up and send to you... But this site should have everything you need and recipies for the inputs...

Nice thanks.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sounds like its good... Small bones can be expected especially with deep water fish... Though not common necessarily. What was the average temp for fermentation? If it gets too cold it can slow down fermentation. Did you use a paper towel cover? Paper Coffee filters is not recommended

I did it in a plastic bucket with its own lid and a brewing airlock. It was outside undercover for a year so had both heat and cold.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ohhh ok i see... In class we were taught to make it using wild fermention. The yeasts and funguses were probably not in high #s just the lactic acid bacteria... Which to tell you the truth im going to use airlocks on everything except the fish because i consume these ferments too and my environment has too much pathogenetic funguses in this desert. Still have to catch the organisms in the wild fermentation process for the rice wash part in LAB BUT ill be using an airlock for the milk part...

I did add a pinch of finish compost to it at the recommendation of Chris Trump. I think it could my ratio fish/sugar that is wrong as I didn't go by weight but by (eyeballed) volume instead.

I will make several smaller batches with different methods to see what works for me.

For the LaB have you tried doing it with milk kefir? You could let the kefir over-ferment and use the whey and it takes only 48hrs to make

I like the LAB process. But who knows in the future maybe ill try keifer grains out

Yeah everyone loves keifer as an alternative. Yes chris trump does recommend a pinch of IMO 4 the fungal dom compost to be added

Oh I forgot to say make sure to keep out of direct sunlight. The Japanesse or rather I have found a definition from a Japanese Source stating that fermentation temperatures are ideal between 72 degrees and 78 degrees. I have noticed when ferments are around that temperature they do seem to be a lot more effective and last longer. You are pretty close to South Korea right? The Hawaii natural farming website link I sent in this comment thread could be a nice little rabbit hole for you to follow I have Drake on my insta and I can point you to Chris Trump and his Instagram as well. Chris Trump has a patreon where you will find more informative and detailed information by the way.....

I have a little roof over the BBQ area. That’s where I install my stuff. Thanks, Chris T and I are members of a common FB group, I know where to find him if needed 😊

I left that group because there was a major lack of support. In general though Drake and Chris mean really well and in all fairness Drake did respond to me but after I left insta for Steemit. Im telling you his patreon has 100x more info and he is more or was at least responsive there.

I think it was one of the soil food web or microgroups not the KNF one.
Ill check thêm out thanks

I love the guy! I hope you further connect and get the chance to meet him!

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