Cannabis is a Dream KillersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cannabis6 years ago


It's almost like I've been stoned so long I forgot what it was like to dream.

In the last weeks I haven't been smoking weed at all and damn near every night I have the craziest dreams.

Once I was on a giant train like vehicle rocketing endlessly down a mountainside with my ex-wife on roller skates hiding from some unknown group of assassins but somehow having fun.

One night I was at a weird Danish pagan gathering in this strange dark castle/cathedral type place with odd macabre rituals happening in this corner and that while a guy called "Jason arrakis" (later in the dream I learned from an inside tip it was actually Hassan Arrakis) ran a long con on me involving a homosexual hookup site, intimidation, and a maze built just for me.

A recurring dream, I was in some desert type town, developing country and had missions to complete. Sometimes it felt like Mexico, other times Vietnam, and there were lots of motorcycle chases in places motorcycles never go. Like up the sides of buildings or through the tiny cafés. So weird. I was constantly searching for something but I can't remember what now.

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I can't help but think of the mitch hedberg joke now: "I don't like dreams man. dreams are like work. I go to my hotel room and lie down. It's beautiful and comfortable, and next thing you know I have to build a fucking go cart with my ex landlord." how true.

I love weirdness for sure. But honestly I'm tired of waking up sad and confused, feeling like I've lost something or someone important to me. Most dreams are fucking worthless, and people that think they have meaning are probably just searching for meaning in everything. My dreams usually don't mean shit except I should get some weed and kill those motherfuckers so I can get some rest.

On the other hand, sometimes dreams do have really powerful meaning. Numerous times in my life I have gone to bed thinking very hard about a particular problem that couldn't be solved by my conscious mind. But when I awoke I had the answer. And it felt different. But whenever I've recognized this different dream type and implemented whatever I dreamt about, by God it's worked every time.

Ecuador - Cupiambritza - Shuar Family (medium).jpg

Thus began shortly after spending time with the shuar people of Southern Ecuador. The rely on their dreams for virtually every decision. They drink guayusa tea before and after sleep, and in the mornings they stand around and discuss their dreams openly and seek explanation from their shaman.


It's a beautiful culture that also relies heavily on ayahuasca for guidance. It seems that somehow they've managed to harness the power of Aya in their nightly wanderings to aid them in their daily decision making processes.

What about you? Do you dream? In color or just black and white? Do you remember your dreams? Ever practice lucid dreaming or Astral surfing? Have you ever taken natural psychedelics and what do you think the correlation between that experience and natural dreams?


ha, too real. I actually really like the vivid dreams that arise after you stop smoking. Makes it worth while for removing such a wonderful substance from your system.

It's a nice place to visit, I'll give you that. But I don't want to live there anymore haha

I have profound dreams with or without the effects of Cannabis. Some of which are eerily similar to yours, as with the motorcycle chase through your "Mexico". Some of my dreams are profoundly psychic, as with the dreams concerning the demise of my band and nearly being shot by a gang. Some are insightful, like my dreams where I scale down jagged, rocky ledges in order to score free beer. (I was an alcoholic then). I dunno, man. My dreams come in waves and bounds. Sometimes I go weeks without having them regardless of my consumption habits. Though, I do miss being able to use binaural beats to induce lucid dream states. That shit is fun. Thanks for sharing.

Bro, I forgot all about binaural beats but hell yeah it is super fun. It's crazy the power sound can have over our subconscious minds. I've played with some lucid dream guided meditation too but after years of using it I never saw anything amazing.

I do remember as a kid having prophetic dreams too which after discussing it with my mom and grandma definitely happened.

I wonder if we just become less attuned to certain things as we get older and our brains more corrupted and degraded with chemicals and conditioning.

The chemicals and conditioning are for sure a big part of it.

The chemicals and
Conditioning are for sure
A big part of it.

                 - shaman-ra

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I watched a neuroscientist talking about this quite recently, when the brain is stoned it skips REM sleep which is when you would dream, normally about 4 hours in you fall into this deeper sleep state, without it you can sleep for 8 hours but still feel quite tired and like you need more sleep. It's because the brain hasn't been able to enter REM sleep. And when you stop smoking weed, the brain has to catch up with all the missed REM sleep, so if you've been smoking for 5 years consistently, and stop smoking it you can have really intense dreams for like 6 months (i dont think that's the actual figure i am just giving an example).

I think dreams play important roles spiritually and mentally, they may seem random but it is clearly some sort of filtering process the brain needs. There are 1000's of things a day you don't consciously notice because your brain doesnt want to overwhelm you, so anything not relevant to the task at hand it doesnt bring to your conscious attention. I guess it needs to do something with that information, kinda like when you have to clear the memory on your phone or laptop for optimal functioning, they can get a bit sluggish if you don't. So it won't be like that for ever, it will die down, it's just your brain going through an intense backlog of unfiltered crap. I think somehow during this process the brain is in an altered state like when you open up a pc on safe mode, and in this state there could be spiritual links too. This second bit is just what i think not what that guy said.

This was about 2 months ago i watched it, so not ages ago but i may have a few inaccuracies which i apologise for, but worth looking into if you're struggling with it. Sometimes understanding the process is helpful.

Not struggling anymore. I bought a g of some ridiculously loud skittles this afternoon that should do the trick. 😂😂😂

It is super interesting about the various levels of sleep though.

It definitely reduces my dream recall, not positive the dreams are actually happening less often.

So maybe I'm dreaming but not remembering it.... Interesting. I hadn't actually thought of that.

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