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RE: Court Rules Cancer Patient Doesn't Have The Right To Grow His Own Cannabis

in #cannabis5 years ago

It’s terrible to hear that things like this go on still, considering how progressive most states have been with cannabis as a whole. Shit, even shrooms have been decriminalized in what is it? Colorado? Now. That’s insane. It’s the time old argument and I don’t mean to drone on with it, but fucking alcohol causes death just by drinking too much, forget the driving that people do on it and the murders and rapes... 🙄 fucking aspirin and cough medicine can kill you if you take enough. Cannabis can kill you, sure, if a heavy load of it gets dropped on you... or what was it? I don’t recall the article, it was a long time ago, but you’d basically have to sit in an air proof room, inhaling nothing but cannabis smoke, for like 80 joints? 60 something grams? Idr. Even then, I believe it was due to there being no fresh oxygen circulating into a vacuum sealed room, essentially. It’s just pathetic to claim we are free when we are clearly not. Something that does not negatively impact anyone’s life around you, should in no way cripple your right to be comfortable and to keep yourself healthy. Just goes even further to show that our country doesn’t truly care about “protecting” us, otherwise it would help this man keep himself from remission. I guess when it gets taken to the higher powers, we will see, if it ever sees the light of day. Florida has some fucked up shit going on, like all the time. I would be deeply sad, but not surprised, if they denied him and gave him no shot.

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Dammit, I seem to be writing long ass comments today. Sorry folks.

This is a sad state of affairs.
Hopefully this man will see justice!

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The mistake he made was fighting for permission. Just grow enough for your meds and keep quiet. Simple.

and risk being thrown in prison, probably not where he wants to spend his time struggling with cancer

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