
Boy @kus-knee, you are a trooper if you watched the whole documentary!
At the end of the day, the biggest take away from it is:
if a person is currently unwell, they have to take responsibility for the condition of their own body, change their habits and fix the root of the problem instead of treating symptoms.
Now, I help others. It's how I pay it forward. :)

Yes I watched the whole thing! I was looking for an indication that you were glancing at notes from time to time and I didn't see it. Amazing and well done!

My wife @lellabird60 has been ill with an autoimmune disease for 17 years and we've run the full spectrum from allopathic to every conceivable form of homeopathic. The subject of alternative health is one of my passions and I actually love listening to lectures on the topic.

It's always nice to hear about others who have overcome their problems. All the best to you as you continue to help yourself and others!

Thank you @ kus-knee. Everything I have produced to date has been non-scripted. I've been a massage therapist for 25 years and have many registrations and certifications. My forte is in treating neurological conditions and autoimmune diseases. I have a strong background in holistic nutrition, as well.
Typically, I like to tackle sleeping issues first, then any pain issues, then we tackle the person's eating lifestyle.
95% of what goes off the rails for people is the mix of bacteria that's present or not present in their guts. You must remove the offending foods that yeast and fungi is feeding off of to kill them off and stop them from damaging the gut lining which is the cause of leaky gut syndrome. Once the gut lining heals, the person will start to be able to actually absorb the nutrients that they are consuming and their energy levels will re-set. They also won't have noxious materials leaking out into adjacent internal tissues which is what causes the immune system to start attacking itself.
In my opinion all autoimmune disorders start with an imbalance in the gut's microflora. Cut the sugar in all its various forms, consume fermented foods and supplement with probiotics that are derived from healthy human strains as opposed to strains coming from cows or goats. Repopulate the bacteria levels of the gut with the same species.
(That's my 2 cents on the subject, anyway.)
I wish both you and @lellabird60 all the best.
Merry Christmas!

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