Who Are You Voting For? Choose Cannabis or Marijuana!

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)

The most important election coming up, is not the US Presidential Election, but the Cannabis Legalization. Let's face it, no matter who wins the presidential electrion, no one really likes the winner... it's a pick between who is least worst. The other election, however, has something happen, or not, that affects many people's lives daily (treat illnesses without needing to be approved by the medical establishment).

Five states are in the battle: Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada.

They are voting to legalize recreational cannabis use.

There are four other contenders that are voting for medical cannabis, which some of the previous states have long since adopted. These 4 are: Arkansas, Florida, Montana, and North Dakota.

Cannabis, or as people like to call it pejoratively as marijuana, is expected to be a $20 billion a year industry by 2020. That is one booming industry to be a part of, and all thanks to our nanny/daddy/mommy state controllers "letting" us have the right to be free again... lol. They are going to get a huge cut anyways with all the taxes, that's why it's "legalization", not simply "decriminalization".

Will the election be a win for cannabis? Yes!

It's estimated now that 57% adults agree with legalization, while 60% opposed it just 10 years ago!

A recent Gallup Poll has 60% support for legalization across the USA.

What's more, is that legal sales were up to $5.7 billion in 2015, and that's without the new bill/law being passed in some states, and eventually rippling throughout the country!

The cannabis industry is going to explode and create thousands of jobs along with billions of dollars.

Prop 64 in California is expected to pass, signalling a change in the rest of the country to come. Califiornia has had legal medical cannabis since 1996.

Opponents are not all against cannabis, some are against the big aggro business aspect,claiming it will push small business out and let "marijuana Starbucks" corps to take over the industry.

Mainstream media is pushing a worry about this being a cash business, and wants things in banks for control of legality. Typical...

It's sad a plant has so much opposition to its use for many benefits to humanity. It was once not legal in the 1900's before the reefer madness craze.

Even presidents used cannabis. But, when something starts to have many uses and can compete with big businesses that have a stake to lose, they often get government to make it illegal. Hemp was being used for building, for clothes, for paper, for plastic, for fuel, for medicine... it needed to be taken out.

Cannabis needs to be decriminalized, not legalized. Legalized is to make it taxable and controlled. Decriminalized is just to make it not illegal and free for people to grow and use. In legalization, there is still control and regulation and government punishment for doing things freely with the plant. Legalization is a con in the end, that's why many people oppose it. But... I guess the rationalization is... a step in a "better" direction is better than no step at all?

New life is ahead, growing new opportunities. Hopefully we can free it completely from the clutches of govenrment... we can always dream and make it a reality :)

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Date: 2016-11-03, 2:35pm EST


I am unwilling to support legalization, as it appears to me to be primarily a dark-horse attempt by government to subvert all the good that cannabis can do. The regulations are already piling on, and I guarantee you that if cannabis becomes legal and mainstream, they will centralize it and systematically destroy everything good about it. You'll still have to go to the black market for a safe and healthy product, just like you do for food now.

Think of it this way: would you smoke weed that was grown by Monsanto? Because when you support legalization, that's exactly what you'll be getting.

Legalization is a distraction. Support agorization instead. Educate the people on the value of cannabis, and the illegitimacy of state prohibition.

Our problems are due to the fact that slaves wait for the master's permission before doing the right thing, and do the wrong thing without thought because the master has already permitted that. Until we fix that problem, things will only get worse, and legalization of cannabis won't be so much as a bump in the road to hell.

yes yes yes!! hope to see some changes

High Times ranked Nevada #1 as most likely to pass. I have a medical card anyway, but it'll be nice to see it get legalized. :)

Nevada is the next state to have a break through, If it doesn't, well I will feel really sad.. People have spent millions just on the chance and to get it to go through... Most guys that I know have put all their chips in Nevada so anything else that even has a chance at the moment is a joke because hardly any money was thrown into those states..

Colorado created the playbook. Very important to vote during a presidential election year. As long as it doesn't get in the way of the casinos, Nevada will go for it most likely.

Because you started off just like this "The most important election coming up, is not the US Presidential Election, but the Cannabis Legalization." Because of that right there I can not take you seriously, you are a joke with your head stuck so far where the sun don't shine. I'm 420 friendly myself and I'd love for cannabis to be legalized, but how are we going to legalize cannabis if we are in the middle of something like Nuclear war, or if we go through another depression. please explain i'll wait :) {it will also be the worst depression we've ever seen} and don't tell me some crap like "well if we just legalized we'd have the money" no we wouldn't have the money because cannabis is not something we can trade on a global scale, yes we've seen it help certain states in an amazing way but only because pot growers are taxed so hard they can barley live and because the buyer is taxed so hard as well. Cannabis should be legalized across the map, but the government needs to keep their hands off of it, you think all this shit is great but if you really knew, you'd feel your heart sink and have a sudden realization that you my friend are a zombie and you need to wake up.
This comment was rude as hell, I can admit that.. But i'm tired of seeing people move like sheep. - Don't go through that door just because someone tells you it's safe.

"you need to wake up"

Reflect upon that for yourself. I state it doesn't really matter who wins, it's more of the same. If you don't understand the game is rigged, and you fear one selected candidate more than another, then good for you and enjoy your rants. Cannabis can heal people's illnesses in daily life and matters more than the next puppet.

Yes, leglize it!

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