Seed Starting ~ Cannabis Seeds Part 1

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

Starting your cannabis seeds the right way can change the outcome of your germination success rate. One lazy day can end your seeds life....and cannabis seeds you probably don't want to mess up. They are often hard to get a hold of, are costly (especially if feminized) and can be stubborn to start!

6 gorgeous feminized White Alien Cannabis Seeds ready to start their lives!

Healthy cannabis seeds should germinate if planted in soil, rockwool or other medium and if it is provided the proper amount of moisture, heat, and air. This however isn’t always enough to wake those babies up. Cannabis seeds have a hard shell that water must penetrate to begin the hormonal changes in the seed’s embryo that tell it time to wake up.

Problems as simple as oil from your fingers, older seeds, improper storage or hybrid seeds with thick shells can hamper a good seed start. Some people will scuff the seeds with fine grit sandpaper, we prefer a 24 hour water soak process!

So. Start by filling a glass with a few inches of distilled water. Let it get to room temperature. Take your seeds and drop them into it.


At first, some might float.....

and some might sink.

Leave them untouched for the next 4 hours. After this time, check to see if they have all sank to the bottom.

This is what you want as they are now sealed from dust and contaminantes on the surface, and the seed in encased in water and a bit of pressure.
Keep them in a dark, room temperature place for the next 18 hours.

After 18 hours, it is time to move your seeds. They should have cracked open the tiniest bit by now, showing a telltale white little tap root.

Prep a small plate with some folded paper towel a few layers thick.

Carefully pour your seeds out onto the paper lined plate. You want the paper towel more than damp but not flooded. Drain off (carefully) and excess water leaving seeds on the towel.

tried to get a close up of the teeny tap roots

Now cover the seeds with another layer of folded, wet paper towel. You want to place plate in a dark, warm place above 65° and below 85° or room temperature. Check on them every 12 hours and NEVER let the paper towel dry. Keep moist, not soaking (not a puddle) for the 3-12 days depending on strain. The tap roots will continue to 3/4" you will transfer them into soil. That will be Part 2! Stay tuned for our seed's progress.

These were started with the same method 2 weeks ago.....20171214_220958.jpg

We have 2 types, one high THC and one high CBD to grow outdoors and make medicine with this upcoming year.

Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours❤


Look forward to seeing how they turn out, cannabis is such a beautiful plant.

It is <3 they are majestic. I will share progress along the way! :)

You should also try to germinate them during the 1st quarter of the moon phase.. this will give them extra moonlight when they first poke thru the soil... it increases their growth during the first critical month..

Good tip! I do my spring planting for the gardens by the moon phases. It helps with the insect cycles as well I think.

This is sorta how i do it, but at the start, i give them a water and hydrogen peroxide bath for 24 hours, just to soften the shells. Litterally just a splash of peroxide. Alsi to clean all germs that might come to start. I also put them in a wet paper towel and into a open ziplock bag in the closet dor 3 days, then plant as usual, but i also leave the bag over them, to help keep moisture. We should talk more, so i can pick your brain, as well as i might have ideals

The peroxide is a great tip! I've used a baggie before, works great as well:) i'd love to exchange ideas!

Excellent Writeup On This Method

Unfortunately, as a grower for 15 years, I don't recommend it. You want to know what sprouting seeds in paper towels is for? You put 100 seeds in a bag with a paper towel and get it damp. Wait a few days and then count how many sprout. Now you can tell people what percentage of your seeds are viable. 99 sprout, 99% viable. Easy, peasy.

Just because someone once said "Hey... are you going to throw those out now?" Doesn't make it the most recommended way to sprout seeds. :)

The Horticultural World Has it Down

and that's to plant the seed in moist medium and let it sprout. I've planted seeds for 15 years, soaked em, scuffed em and all kinds of wives tales. You want to know the secret to seed sprouting?

Healthy Seeds

Wet the media you're using, plant the seed, keep it moist without being soggy and around 70-75F. Anything which sprouts will generally be healthy enough to provide decent cannabis. I plant seeds meant for hydroponics in vermiculite or another media which washes off easily.

Handling Sprouted Seeds

is an easy way to infect the plants. Should you do this, please be sure to use clean hands. ;) I rarely had an issue in the past, it just really sucks to lose a seed because something was on your hand. Planting directly in the media being used skips this. ;)

I Hope Those Alien Kush

do what you need. :) Feminized seeds are awesome for a variety of grow situations. :) Here's a tutorial on creating Feminized Cannabis Pollen, for creating feminized seeds. :)


WOOOHOOOO!!!! Hiiiiiii little buddies, I love you!!!!

Ooohhh I will send them your love!! Going to check on them now :):):)

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Great post!

I love your step-by-step and that I can hear you in your writings.

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