sbi resolution. donating my shares to @powpow420

in #cannabis6 years ago

Talked with @josephsavage? And this is what we came up with.

I don't want any more harassment from sbi members. Or sbi.

I want the 9 shares donated to @powpow420 and to opt out of the program.

We both agreed to this and will be moving on.

The dangers of such a huge community is showing up. I wish them the best of luck and hope they take this as a learning lesson.

I am. I'll be more careful about what I support in the future.

But I've got a full plate. And this support will be directed to the needed areas.

Had this been approached differently I'd be promoting this service at the meet-ups and with others locally.

Now off to help the community here. I'll be happy to watch votes roll into @powpow420 from now on.

Situations like this are really not that hard to manage. As we have settled this easily.

No vote is worth the drama or disrespect. I'm glad this is over and we can both part ways.

Resolutions are good. We can move on and let this issue fall away.

They have math and feel they are doing as best they can. OK then.

I've watched and experimenting with this over months has given me my view.

Time for the separation. And for the best.

I have community to help and grow. I'll be doing just fine without the vote.

But today isn't over! We are rocking it again today!

Besides that now @powpow420 gets a hand up!

Turning the negative into positive is the way you always should handle that.

So @powpow420 out of anyone you deserve to be helped. Much more so than me.

And time for me to blaze the rest of turmoil I'm trying to!

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