Silver and Cannabinoids DESTROY Covid-19!

in #cannabis4 years ago

1.) A brand new study out of Vancouver backed up what a study from the USA found recently: Copper KILLS covid-19.

2.) So do silver and gold, although even less mainstream focus has been given to that. Silver is known to be particularly effective against ALL types of microbes.

( photo by DRutter )

3.) Silver is medically available in colloidal form, like the above nasal spray of silver nanoparticles in pure water.

4.) A new study shows cannabinoids appear to block covid-19 infection.

5.) At the start of the pandemic, I did a YouTube video stating colloidal silver and cannabinoids may be effective against the then-newly-discovered virus. We know now that I was right about BOTH! YouTube heavily censored my video and then audience-restricted it for "encouraging drug use".

Colloidal silver and cannabinoids safely and naturally prevent and treat covid-19!

I released this information well-before the lockdown, but it has been ruthlessly censored and hidden. How many thousands of lives could have been saved?! How many more will die because this knowledge is being suppressed?



Very interesting findings! Many people have been using colloidal silver for a while now, in addition to zinc ionophores like quercetin (over-the-counter supplement) or hydroxychloroquine (malaria drug), which have to be used in conjunction with zinc in order to be effective against viruses according to studies.

This is not medical advice. Always do your own research and go for a medical consultation prior to taking anything in order to see if you may have conditions that may interfere negatively with other drugs or supplements. Thanks for sharing.

I just found this post, one of the most important things when making colloidal silver yourself is to make sure you use silver that is .9999 Pure, and always use distilled water.
I have been making and using colloidal silver for years with no problem. The problem with people having a blue cast is caused from impurities, like using silver that was .999 pure, and spring water or tap water.
There are so many benefits to silver, It has been used for hundreds!
Thanks for the post @drutter!

Thank you for your comment, silvertop, and those useful tips. I look forward to trying it for myself soon : )

Glad to hear that you can buy .9999 Silver wire online very cheap. Then I just use a normal plug in electric wall transformer and alligator clip onto the probes. As the nano particles are produced using a normal cat Laser pointer, you can see the sparkles of the nano particles as they're produced! Have a good day!

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It's frustrating that "old time" remedies are so causually disregarded by the medical "experts". Silver has been out there for years and we're finding new benefits of cannabis all the time. Guess Fauci et al are more interested in supporting their Pharma cronies.

Yeah, they push what big pharma wants them to push, which ends up being name brand designer drugs under patent. If there's no money in it, there's no development, no marketing, no political agenda (except to ignore or discredit). If you talk about colloidal silver, the average person either has no idea what you're saying, or they've heard that it's dangerous because "it turns you blue". But that only happened a few times, with people who took poorly-made colloidal silver, and they were otherwise unharmed. Chances of that happening are almost zero. Sadly, most people think it's likely, and that they better stay away from colloidal silver. They don't realize that ALL water has at least some impurity in it, and one of the common impurities is nanoparticles of silver. Water from a stream can have about one quarter the colloidal silver that is found in prepared products like the stuff I bought. Seawater has lots too. So do plants and animals. Our food has colloidal silver in it. It's definitely safe... the question is how much should we be taking, exactly? That's what research should focus on, since we already know it's effective, and doesn't harm plants or animals (only fungi and microbes).

As I was completing my post: I saw this one that you made. I have referenced it and the article that you cited. If I had seen your article earlier, I would have suggested an edit to "Silver is known to be particularly effective against ALL types of microbes" to include a description of its effect on viruses.

Due to [preferential binding to the gp120 glycoprotein knobs], silver nanoparticles inhibit ... virus[es] from binding to host cells, as demonstrated in vitro.” This is true for HIV and a similar situation may occur for the COVID-19 spike proteins as there might be a similarity between the two.
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag

While there isn't proof that I know of that silver will interfere with COVID-19 yet, I follow the least risk doctrine. If there is a less than 1 percent chance that it will help but that there is a 0 percent chance it will cause harm ... take the chance.

I watched your censored video (in addition to your dartboard) and gave it a thumbs up.

Thanks for your comment, vote, and link!
Have the authors of that study come out with their revised version yet? Last I heard, they had withdrawn that one, and promised to conduct a better study after hearing criticism from the scientific community.

While I haven't come across anything else, the statement that silver nanoparticles might inhibit viral infections is also echoed in this paper - Antiviral activity of mycosynthesized silver nanoparticles against herpes simplex virus and human parainfluenza virus type 3. There seem to be a number of studies that show Silver Nanoparticles interfere with viruses and by extension should help interfere in the infectability of COVID-19. As far as the lead author of this paper, he hasn't re-submitted this one but has submitted a paper on the markers for COVID-19's evolution: Mutation landscape of SARS-CoV-2 reveals three mutually exclusive clusters of leading and trailing single nucleotide substitutions

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