COVID-19 and Natural Ways to Reduce its Effects

in #covid-194 years ago (edited)

In this video, Deutsche Welle News interviews health professionals about their investigations and experiences with COVID-19. One of the things that they confirm is that it is not just a respiratory illness but also that it attacks the cardiovascular system. While it is well known that it targets the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, and testes the implications on how it affects the blood and in turn affects other areas of the body previously considered untouched. By creating an environment that creates blood clots, this should be cautionary for even slight infections. Severe blood clots in the brain can damage areas and cause strokes. Even micro-clots has been seen to cause mini-strokes in seniors under normal conditions. Imagine a condition that could exacerbate memory loss in normally healthy young people.

Unless a person is being treated for the virus or is taking a specific anti-clotting medication, the best one can hope is to investigate natural methods of reducing blood clots. Here is a list of things that you can do to mitigate clotting. While I cannot testify to the veracity, I am including some which might have no support.

  1. Nutrition

Certain foods are associated with improving blood flow and blood quality. While I encourage further investigation in these foods, some have certain components that are converted by the body for use (such as Nitric Oxide) while others have thinning properties and others affect the clotting properties of the blood. These include leafy greens such as arugula, spinach, and kale. Other foods of note like beetroot(and beet greens), seafood, onions and garlic.

  1. Sunshine and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is used in a number of processes which makes your body function properly. Regardless of your circumstance, you need to increase your levels of Vitamin D3 whether via sunshine or by supplementation. My personal feelings are that one should attempt to improve your resistance by having 4000 IU per day and boosting it to 10,000 IU if you subject yourself to possible mass exposure (going shopping at the grocery store).
The other aspect of Vitamin D in this context is that there is an inverse correlation to Vitamin D levels and the risk of clotting - the more Vitamin D the less clotting risk you have.

  1. Physical Exercise

Not only does physical exercise improve muscle tone and well-being, but it also increases the Nitric Oxide levels in your system.

  1. Hydration

Most people are slightly dehydrated. Inadequate hydration makes blood more viscous (thick) leading to a greater opportunity for it to clot.

  1. Sleep

This is a particular problem of mine. So much to learn, so little time to learn it in. However, during sleep, your body repairs itself specifically your liver and blood vessels.

  1. Stress and Inflamation

Extreme forms of clotting found in Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism and both of these are linked to inflammation. The process of how stress affects the body is extremely complicated and is related to the hormone Cortisol. Imagine in a state where you are continually being chased by a tiger. Your body inhibits certain activities in order to allocate energy to others involved in the flight or fight response. In western society, many people suffer from high levels of stress. Some of it is chemically induced (drinking coffee), some of it is electromagnetic (not the least from watching Netflix) but much of it due to the day to day existence over decades of our lives. Many of the things we see in our society (back pain, obesity, heart disease) are symptoms of the body's reaction to stress. As an example, cortisol increases blood sugar levels by inhibiting insulin production ... in other words creating the appearance of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. During this period, reduce clots by reducing inflammation by reducing stress.

  1. Grounding and Electromagnetic Fields

This one I am unsure of how it affects our bodies but I am including this because even if it contributes a fraction of 1 percent toward improving your health ... why not!!!

My understanding of this is as follows. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) affect the body by opening up Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) (think of a magnet causing iron filings to stand up). Under a resting state, these are closed and open when activated allowing Calcium (Ca2+) to influx into the cell. This causes muscular contractions, neuron firing and release of hormones. Much as continual stress can cause issues, having VGCCs continually open leads to sub-optimal conditions interfering with the regulation of hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. There are various sources that create these EMFs. People seem to forget that earlier cell phones were associated with brain cancer. Newer phones have a weaker signal but the cell towers and electrical transmission lines continually envelop us in EMFs. I suspect this is why there are a number of people pushing back against 5G networks. We don't know enough about the effects that technology represents.

There is another culprit though not just humans. Both our planet and outer space don't seem to be too happy with us. Outer Space sends Cosmic Rays in our direction all the time. We are protected from them by an envelope the sun creates by sending a solar "blanket" in our direction. When the sun is active in producing sunspots (solar maximum), it is like a wind that pushes the cosmic rays away from us. As we have been approaching a Grand Solar Minimum for the last few years, this wind is allowing more cosmic rays to enter Earth's system. I am not sure if it is a coincidence or not that the Black Death pandemic also happened in association with a Grand Solar Minimum.

Another potential culprit is our own planet. Our poles are in the process of going on an excursion.

Source In addition to moving, the magnetic field strength is lessening. While in the process of moving, it fluctuates - going back and forth - not a straightforward movement. While the strength of the Earth Field Strength is far below (by a factor of about 1000) at 25 to 65 microtesla what would necessary to trigger an observable response in humans (10,000 to 20,000 microtesla) I cannot predict what could be happening at a cellular level.

That being said, there is little that we can do about any of these influences aside from kicking your shoes off and grounding your feet. If nothing else, you can take a five-minute stress break.

  1. (Re-Edit) Cannabinoids

Just as I posted this, immediately above was this a posting by @drutter -
This is in reference to a study by the University of Alberta researchers In Search of Preventative Strategies: Novel Anti-Inflammatory High-CBD Cannabis Sativa Extracts Modulate ACE2 Expression in COVID-19 Gateway Tissues

The extracts of our most successful and novel high CBD C. Sativa lines, pending further investigation, may become a useful and safe addition to the treatment of COVID-19 as an adjunct therapy. They can be used to develop easy-to-use preventative treatments in the form of mouthwash and throat gargle products for both clinical and at-home use. Such products ought to be tested for their potential to decrease viral entry via the oral mucosa. Given the current dire and rapidly evolving epidemiological situation, every possible therapeutic opportunity and avenue must be considered.
Wang, B.; Kovalchuk, A.; Li, D.; Ilnytskyy, Y.; Kovalchuk, I.; Kovalchuk, O. In Search of Preventative Strategies: Novel Anti-Inflammatory High-CBD Cannabis Sativa Extracts Modulate ACE2 Expression in COVID-19 Gateway Tissues. Preprints 2020, 2020040315 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints202004.0315.v1).

This research is in line with my earlier point of reducing inflammation.

Please refer and support the original post.

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