Have a scroll through these Steem OG and Northern Lights photos!

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

Welcome (back?) to my tiny cannabis apartment-garden!


I'm DRutter, a Canadian cannabis activist (& patient), photographer, videographer, writer, retired psychiatric nurse, gardener, and so on.

I've been blogging here on Steemit full time for about a year now. I also have a YouTube channel by the same name, with 10 years of alternative news, precious metals market commentary, Fukushima coverage, cannabis activism, gardening videos, philosophy, cryptos, Liberty, and the like. I'm on FB as well.

If you'd like a summary of my first year on Steemit, and you really like scrolling through long posts, click here.

My little indoor garden

I recently landed after a rough period in a nice apartment in a decent neighborhood, in the outskirts of Vancouver, B.C. and immediately started figuring out how I was going to grow food and medicine here. Luckily, the apartment and patio get full summer sunlight all afternoon. Tomatoes did well out there this year, and next year will be even better!

As for cannabis, which was recently "legalized" here, I have to keep it inside because if anyone sees it and reports me, inspectors and police can search without a warrant, and I would have to do at least 14 years in prison. (Legalization is a lie. We should have decriminalized it instead.)

The plants

I'd like to focus on the 6 cannabis plants currently growing here. In a few weeks, they'll be ready to 'flip' into flowering stage, and I'm going to reduce their numbers to 4 at that point. Which 4, I haven't yet decided.

These organic plants were sprouted from seeds October 1st, making them 7 weeks old. They receive about 19 hours of light a day, from 2 fluorescent tubes which are powered by a small ballast plugged into an electrical outlet. It uses about as much electricity as any other small fixture. They're growing in some plain organic moss, and a spoonful of worm poop I found on the grass out front.

The Steem OG genetics are 100% black market goodness sourced from my buddy @jonyoudyer down in California. A real hybrid of hybrids, my crop is an F1 variant, meaning the genetics have not yet been stabilized. It's an opportunity to hunt for phenotypes that appear exceptional. These seeds could be males or females - we'll find out fairly soon.

The Northern Lights genetics are also 100% black market deliciousness, sourced from the Vancouver BC underground. This is the #4 phenotype of a stabilized Northern Lights genetic line. The seeds were feminized which means my seedlings should grow into lovely female Indica flowers.

Steem OG 1

Name: Hands (aka Hans)
Sex: Unknown


While healthy enough, this plant has a strange habit of incorrectly rotating its fan leaves ('hands') toward the light. While the other 5 plants will all gently angle themselves to face the light source, this one will rarely have any leaves facing the same way, often arranging them in strange patterns. Weirdo!

Status: I may need this plant depending on its sex and the sex of the other 2. I give it as much love as the rest, but don't understand why it can't orientate itself properly.

Steem OG 2

Name: none
Sex: Unknown


There's no name yet for this plant. It's quite healthy, but slightly younger than the others because it took longer to pop out of the shell. It might be another couple weeks before I can tell its sex. Leaves are fairly sturdy. Typical indica finger shapes.

Status: Would be a good plant for breeding. If she's female, I'll gladly flower it out and sample its medicine!

Steem OG 3

Name: Ace
Sex: Female?


This plant distinguished itself almost from the beginning, by robustly sprouting and showing a unique leaf structure. It reached the 5th node (where I topped each plant) quickly, and each of the 2 new tops have already put on a couple nodes. The perfectly-formed leaves are unusually rounded and club-like, with a vibrant almost-blue green colour, and thick, strong veins.

A shot of Ace's canopy (from the thumbnail):


Efficiently using any light sent its (her?) way, Ace is easily Gardeners Choice. A unique scent like urine (in a good way, if that's possible) mixed with sweet fruity candies is generated by stroking the vibrant leaves of this gorgeous young specimen. Steadily building mass above and below ground, it rarely needs water, has only had a teaspoon of worm castings, and seems to thrive on love alone. The embodiment of STEEM!

Status: Gardeners Choice, best plant to breed (I will get pollen or seeds, whatever it will give me).

Northern Lights 1

Name: none
Sex: Female


This gal has been lanky and odd from the start. She's got a couple deformed leaves, can't seem to spread out, and isn't as vibrant as the other 2. There's a spicy, smoky, piney smell to the upper leaves. It'll produce good medicine, but it's probably not going to be in my garden.

Status: Unless something happens with some of the other plants, it's unlikely I'll need to flower out this female. I'll be looking for someone to gift her to.

Northern Lights 2

Name: none
Sex: Female


A second unnamed Northern Lights female. This one is about an inch shorter than the previous, and quite a bit broader. It has nicely-formed classic Indica leaves, which are a nice rich green. Very little scent thus far.

Status: She will very likely be flowered out, starting in a few weeks. Maybe I'll pollinate her if Ace or the unnamed Steem OG is male.

Northern Lights 3

Name: Beauty
Sex: Female


This young lady is thick! With short inter-node lengths, she reached 5th node and was topped about 2 weeks ago. Check out those two shoots! Beauty will be topped again soon, and transplanted into her 'big girl' pot.


You can see she'd like a bit more magnesium for optimum photosynthesis. If the transplant doesn't do the trick, I might put a little Epsom salt in her water. Otherwise, this is a perfectly-formed and healthy plant. The scent is similar to the first Northern Lights (spicy, smoky, piney).

Stay tuned!

Things change pretty quickly in this little garden, and I create other content and write posts (like Mission: Agua-Possible). Please follow along if you think you'd enjoy more!

And as always, grow in peace.

drutter steemit banner.jpg


All of these look great Drutter!! So interesting seeing the slight differences in each plant. Im so glad that I sent the seeds to you bro! Keep steeming, and growing

Danx bro! You're the breeder-man!! : O
I think Ace is something special.... just so excited to see the sex! hehe

Way to go! A1 Start.

Thanks bro, stay tuned. You got anything growing on the 'chain?

Holy hempamole!! : O
What a gorgeous plant that Ace is! I suspect the medicine it gives you will be amazing. upvoted and resteemed :))

Nice article interesting stuff. motivating for sure.

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