Enslaving Humanity via "Legalization" (Starting with Cannabis)

in #cannabis6 years ago

This "paranoid conspiracy theorist" was right, again.

The course of society is so dark nowadays, those of us best at foreseeing it are called "fearmongers" and "paranoid" by the ignorant and those who have trouble spotting patterns.

Canada legalizes cannabis

Today, Justin Trudeau announced the legalization of cannabis in Canada, including a corporate monopoly on growing and selling, and strict government control over yet another aspect of our lives.


This surprised many, who believed all along that legalization meant an end to decades of awful cannabis prohibition. Instead, we get Prohibition 2.0, with even MORE victimless cannabis crimes, and more years in jail. Legalization was a Trojan horse, bringing in expanded police powers like warrantless searches. Trudeau is a puppet of the powers-that-shouldn't-be. Canadian voters got the bait-and-switch.

I accurately predicted ALL of this, not just a year ago, but over FIVE years ago. To the letter.

What's next?

You'll probably call me a "fearmonger" or say I'm "paranoid", but I'll tell you what I think.
Until now, the narrative has been 'the world is watching what Canada does'. There's been an expectation that Canada should lead on this issue. Now, the headlines are "Canada is the first country (out of a certain list such as the G7 countries) to legalize cannabis". The FIRST country. Not the only country, not the sole country, the FIRST. In other words, the first of several.

  • Australia and New Zealand will be the next (within a year) to push for a legalization model very similar to Canada's.
  • Spain, USA and UK will follow a few years down the road.
  • The mainstream media will endorse it and the dumbed-down public will demand it.
  • Voices of reason won't be endorsed.
  • The tired "No prison for pot!" rally cry isn't going anywhere.
  • Cannabis legalization will spread through the world like a cancer, as will the "legalization" of other things.
  • Legalization will be a major tool of the elite to further their enslavement of humanity.

But I believe we can and will change the narrative.

In fact, that's why I'm posting this here.

Peace and pot,


I hope Spain doesn't legalize like us; they've had decriminalisation for a while now!

Yes I hope they stay that way.... no need to legalize something like cannabis.

Thank you... upvoted and also resteemed.

I'm a little confused, is this a pro pot piece or a pro 'war on drugs post"? I think ending any kind of prohibition would lessen any power the government had over us, am I wrong in your opinion? I'm being genuine, this is a new perspective to hear about for me.

Thanks for your question :)
I think you're right that ending prohibition of any kind would be a good thing. Conversely, adding prohibition of any kind would be a bad thing. The group of laws being referred to as "legalization" contains a LOT of new prohibition and essentially does nothing to end the prohibition of cannabis.

I suppose I does sound more like socializing/nationalizing cannabis wrapped in the façade of legalization? If that is the case they had me going here in America for a second there, I should have known better considering all things though. I keep hoping for true freedom when it comes to cannabis, we came close in my home state but yes, it came down to only the rich being able to grow and sell legally because of how expensive the licenses fees are. In the end it will lower quality and selection and then the price will go up....

Yeah, it sounds like you nailed it. That's how I see it too, and it feels bad to be tricked in such a big way. But that's how the system rolls I guess, it cares about itself not about each of us individuals.
I still see cannabis as a big part of the freedom fight, it's just going to be a little more complicated than "legalization". It does help free people's minds in ways other things can't, which makes it valuable to many of us.

I'm doing what I can to buy enough land where my family can mind our own business and be left alone from the people who need to tell everyone how to live. The theory is, less people less control freaks. If a couple of plants in a hundred acre wood bothers someone then they should seek help I'd say.

It's a sad day... A medical plant is locked and taped with red tape by bureaucrats

You could call it "recriminalization". :(

That's exactly what it is!

Thanks. It would be nice to know the details, but I get the main idea :)

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