Rastafarian Convinced That Many Have Died Prematurely When Cannabis Could've Helped

in #cannabis5 years ago (edited)

Rastafarians have long recognized cannabis to be a sacred herb that can provide healing in a myriad of ways.

Part of this way of life also traditionally involves a rejection of Western medicine and treatments. The health practices that you might find Rastafarians engage in are not likely to resemble that which you would find with mainstream medicine and treatments that we see today. Not only will they rely heavily on cannabis for medicinal purposes but it's also used heavily for religious rituals as well.

From promoting better health, to improving feelings of community, there are a variety of reasons why cannabis is used by Rastafarians still today and always will be.

They see the use of cannabis as being sacred, even noting a variety of biblical texts to defend their position.

Rastafarians seek to live a natural and peaceful lifestyle, which includes living off the land, and eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. For a religion that began its movement in the 1930s, it has now grown today to encompass over 1+ million followers in a variety of regions, not just Jamaica.

One Rastafarian, P Scarlett, believes that many people have lost their lives too early from lifestyle-related diseases that he says cannabis might have been able to help.

"What’s wrong is that people not really putting out the effort to check herbalists, who can really and truly heal them for good,” - P. Scarlett

Scarlett believes that cannabis has the potential to heal a variety of diseases and he isn't alone either, there are many researchers working to explore the full potential that cannabis might be able to provide. Already there are millions of people who are seeking relief from cannabis for one reason or another, be it pain, insomnia, ptsd, or other.

Scarlett says that once someone tries cannabis that they won't need to return to the doctor any longer. He firmly believes that Rasta herbalists have the knowledge to address their situation best, knowing how to restore health individually to those in need. He says that our bodies are designed to take the herbs and the evidence of the natural cannabinoid system backs up that notion.


Scarlett has his own company that makes cannabis-based products, like ganja roots, ganja eye drops, and cannabis capsules etc, known as St Ann Botanical Ganga Company.

With the products, they are hoping that those who are suffering will turn to seek out natural alternatives, before accepting a doomed fate on their illness.

While thousands of pharmaceutical options might come with a dangerous list of side effects, and have been known to contribute to thousands of deaths, cannabis doesn't even come close to providing the same risk. Which is probably why so many people are becoming open to experimenting with it.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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I believe fully in the health benefits of THC and CBD. CBD has helped my mother with high blood pressure, arthritis, and anxiety.

Yes the Reffer .madness campaign by the US government's. Has been responsible for may millions of lives lost over the last century.
I hope oneday soon that will be proved.
The sacred Herb has always been a lifesaver. 😎

@doitvoluntarily, Many Communities dont prefer Factory Made medicines and inturn go with the natural way and i strongly believe that Humanity is cut offed from the great and ancient natural healing ways.

Posted using Partiko Android

The Ganja health products are gonna be the hugest market I believe. Skin care, hair products, eye drops, cough drops, you name it, even lip moisturizers.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

if, as Scarlett puts it, 'babylon' will stay out of the way😆😉👍

A textbook example of when #Jahm tag can be used in a Cannabis post. The Rastas were definitely onto something before most.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

I don't doubt it in the slightest. There is more understand now of it's curing powers, but it still has this false stigma attached to it as "a gate way drug"! The only reason for this is the people that sell it what the buyers to buy other drugs. The black market it the gateway not cannabis 💯🐒

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