Growing Popularity For Cannabis In Bahamas Prompts Crackdown

in #cannabis7 years ago

It's alleged that more than 400 people have already been arrested this year, who were caught vaping THC in Nassau County, Bahamas.

Presently, the production, sale, and simple possession of this plant, is illegal in that region for either recreational or medicinal purposes.

News reports suggest that there is a growing movement in that region that's trying to seek decriminalization or legalization of cannabis. According to the Caribbean Community Regional Commission on Marijuana (CARICOM) they say that pressure has been building over the past 4 years and pretty soon they believe that they might join many others in the world who've looked to change their views on cannabis.

Despite the substance being illegal in the region, it's still alleged to be fairly easy to find and the Bahamas today is regarded as being one of the top 5 countries, as far as affordability of “vice products” goes which includes things like cannabis, alcohol, cigarettes, and opioids.

However, because of the criminalization of the plant, many individuals in the country are unjustly labeled as criminals and a great deal of resources are wasted on trying to police their actions and keep people safe from themselves.

Authorities in Nassau County have suggested that it's vaping use that's specifically on the rise; people who are vaping cannabis.

Since the beginning of the year, they've already made more than 400 arrests just in that county region; compare that to the 900+ arrests that they made for all of last year.

They say that there are health concerns related to the vaping and in their eyes, arresting someone and locking them in a cage is much less of a health concern. Police want to remind people in the region that if they are caught peacefully ingesting this substance, that they "will be dealt" with by facing arrest and prosecution.

There are many people in a variety of countries today who are using this substance to bring them remedy for many different symptoms and illnesses. And yet, we still have many authority figures in the world who are exercising archaic and often unfounded beliefs, by opting to use force and violence when dealing with someone for using cannabis.

Many people in the Bahamas might support and want to exercise their natural rights in possessing, growing, or consuming this substance, but the government isn't ready to respect that freedom for them.

At the moment, authorities there would rather someone potentially lose their job, or suffer a myriad of other unfortunate circumstances, than simply allow them to peacefully consume, grow, or trade cannabis. Is there any wonder that it's been suggested that the worst thing about cannabis, is that it's deemed illegal. And because of that, people will suffer violence being initiated against them because of a personal choice that they want to make.



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Hi doitvoluntarily,

I feel this is important topic to think about and appreciated you posting. If the people want to smoke or vape cannabis, that should be the people's choice.

Authorities need to focus of making certain pharmaceutical pain kill pill illegal which killed more addicts then cannabis smoking did.

Interesting. I have visited the Bahamas on two occassions--both while I was younger than 21; though, even at that age, I was already an avid marijuana user (not so much an alcohol drinker, though). Anyway, I did (vaguely) attempt to procure some weed when docked at some island (these times were both during commercial cruises), but was only successful in buying two pints of liquor. The alcohol was surprisingly easy to buy, seeing as from what I can recall, there was no limitation on the purchase of alcohol. I did have to sneak it back on the boat though.

Fast-forward a couple decades--I now live in a legal state, where I can buy all the weed I want--and even grow it, if desired (pacific NW USA). It's pretty awesome. (But for what the courts may have lost here due to lack of drug-arrests, they make up for in traffic tickets, let me tell you, buddy.. Whew!!)

On the subject of vaping THC. during my recent travails into the world of legal weed, there are many more ways one may choose to ingest their THC (the most prevalent psychoactive chemical in marijuana); one of these being through the use of "vape pens," which utilize various "cartridges" filled with myriad flavors and concoctions of THC, etc.

Now, I can only speak for myself, of course, but, on two separate occasions, after having utilized THC vape cartridges and concentrates for periods of around 4 to 6 weeks each, I developed freaking blood in my dang lungs. Yes, literally, I was coughing up blood. Then after the first time it happened, after going to the ER, I learned I had developed a bi-pulmonary embolism, which, to those who don't know (like me, before the incident--), that means I had blood clots in both of my lungs. (I will also say, the vape pen I used was a pretty "cheapie" one--not one of the fancy, adjustable ones; which, I'm sure, may have had something to do with it, too; but, those things are expensive and complicated; and there's no telling they're any safer..)

The physicians tried to tell me it was because I had gone on an "airplane trip" recently, but I have serious doubts about that--especially seeing as though a) I am a relatively healthy otherwise: healthy weight, no other known conditions; b) clots supposedly occur after long flights--I went from Las Vegas to Seattle--a 2 1/2, 3 hour flight. c) The same symptoms happened again when I started vaping a second time--many months after having left the hospital (where I was for 5 days after the embolisms), and then went away again, upon ceasing vaping--almost immediately.

I feel the need to add that, at that time, I was also smoking cigarettes (tobacco) along with the THC vaping. Probably close to a pack a day. BUT, on that other side of that same token, I had been smoking cigarettes like that, for about two decades prior to the occurrence (and strangely, the only other time I experienced similar symptoms was when I frequently smoked Newport 100s [menthol] and coughed up, one morning, what literally felt like a piece of my lung (I stopped menthols after that--I also see your post having to do w/ this issue above :)

So yeah: in my experience, I will not be vaping my THC anymore--though I do still enjoy my marijuana, just now via regular old flower, like I used to ;) (And I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, either--but that's another story lol)

As a Caribbean national I can vouch for this. What is happening in the Bahamas falls under the umbrella of the war on drugs. It is not only the arrests, it is also about the carnage taking place. Day in day out, innocent people are being slaughtered because of this absurdity. The Caribbean is a major transhipment hub for cannabis and drugs and many bystanders get caught up in the crossfire.

Thanks for this man. Keep up the good work.

Sorry if I sound like I am rambling. It is just an issue that is dear to me.

Hello @doitvoluntarily this topic seems to me of the utmost importance, if people want to vape or smoke cannavis it is already theirs and the damage that they are taking place, thanks for sharing you have my vote and I will restit you

beutiful doitvoluntarily,,nicd post

when a very luxurious and beautiful want me to be on the ship @wahyu23

When people come together and put pressure on the goverments, everything they want will become legal :)
I was watching a program about remote viewing where they said that in the year 2050 Marijuana will be legal and sold in the shops. So i think after some years we will have these lovely days :)

Uhh... marijuana already is legal and "sold in shops--" just not throughout the entire USA. I can go to the store right now and buy some, if I wanted :) (sorry, not trying to rub it in or anything ;)) Now, when we're talkin all drugs... that'll be the day :) . And I absolutely believe that should happen--not just because it'd be nice lol

I havent tried it yet as it is illegal in my country, but love to do that :)

I'm sorry for that ... :( Hey, I guess that's one "good thing" about US lol. May I ask what part of the world you may be? Did I see a photo of Tunisia...? That's amazing... North West Africa!! It is my life-goal to see the Ancient Pyramids before I die lol. Idk if I''ll ever make it, but... I also bet laws are very strict there, no? Even just visiting.. you can get in big trouble, quick lol (one of the reasons I'm staying away for now lol)

I live in Tunisia and here they are very strict about everything related to drugs. People go six months to the jail, just for smoking :(
I visited the Pyramids some years ago. They were very beautiful, but didnt spend enough time there. I am planing to go again in the future to see all of them. Egypt has a great history :)
No you dont get into trouble when you visit. When I visit other countries I try my best to be safe and away of trouble. Well in Tunisia you wont have any trouble. They care for tourists more than locals lol It is also a very small country with small population.

Oh yeah? That's so interesting... When I lived in England, we knew a family from Algeria; that seems like an interesting place, too... But that's so wild! Six months in jail for smoking... marijuana?? That's crazy.. is it related to religious beliefs in the area? And I'm glad that you say I'd be "safe" in Tunisia, but just fyi, I am "caucasian" lol; I've heard that can be problematic in certain countries, especially any predominately Arabic-speaking countries; though maybe even more so for women, though. Being harassed and stuff...

No it is not related to Religion and actually in Tunisia we are more open minded than Algeria. I think it is all about violence and how people behave after smoking. Some of them really loose their mind and commit crimes. And now the most teenagers in schools started smoking too which made it all worse. The problem is that people dont only smoke to enjoy that moment. They smoke and drink alcohol in the same time and dont realize anymore what they are doing :(
In Tunisia we have women right and lately they made a Help-Line for women who get disturbed in anyway by a man lol In Middle East it is a bit different. They are a bit strict, but even Saudi Arabia is changing now. I heard that women can drive and they are building holidays resorts where people can swim and even wear Bikini :)
As you are Caucasian nobody will know here if you are a tourist or a local unless you speak a different language. Tunisia itself is mixture from different races and everyone looks different.

You ever heard of the novel, The Stranger by Albert Camus? It takes place in Algeria... it's pretty cool.

No didnt hear about it, but will check it out :) The last Novel I read and was really impressed is "The Alchemist" It was a very nice story.

Taken Hostage For Vaping!

If you find yourself in the Bahamas and searching for a good place to buy quality weed and hash, then i recommend you check out this forum where you can easily find a dealer:

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