Filling Up Prisons With Peaceful Individuals

in #cannabis5 years ago

Drug possession is a victimless crime, drug use as well only harms the individual physically and doesn't cause any harm to others or to their property. The drug use might fuel certain behavior in the user, that later influences their behavior to either infringe on others property or not, but the drug use itself or possession of drugs is essentially victimless.

Infringing violence upon people for their drug use or possession then is nothing short of tyranny because it is inflicting violence upon peaceful people.

We have seen police officers themselves turn to smuggle cannabis oil to help their children suffering from epilepsy, former officers now working for and investing in the cannabis industry, people who used to ruin lives over drugs are now seeking to profit from them.

In Japan, a 23 year old police officer was just recently arrested for simple possession of cannabis that he claimed was for his own personal use.

Cannabis is still illegal in Japan and state officials have even asked that Japanese nationals who are living abroad or traveling to areas like Colorado or Canada, that they refrain from consuming cannabis even though it might be legal there.

For anyone who is caught growing or importing cannabis etc into Japan, they could face up to 7 years in prison, and if they had been looking to profit it could be almost 10 years behind bars.

Previously, it was reported that the cost of living in Japan was becoming so difficult for some, that many elderly people were seeking to embrace a life of crime so that they could intentionally be arrested. The number of crimes that have been committed by those who are over 60 years of age has allegedly been steadily increasing for decades as a result.

It costs taxpayers thousands of dollars every year to keep someone behind bars, should that money be going toward caging peaceful individuals who never harmed anyone else or their property? No, it shouldn't. Let's reserve that space for individuals who actually pose a threat to the community.



Wow! I was surprised when this article turned out to be about Japan and not the US.

The filling of prisons in the US for non-crime is the primary reason that I voted for legalization in Colorado.

Of course the police arrest peaceful individuals to send to prison.

Arresting non-peaceful groups is very difficult and dangerous.

Further, since this is for the slavery system prison industry, then of course you want peaceful individuals.

Japan is a very strict country. And laws, once formed are set in stone for generations. This means very little crime in most areas of Japan, but it also means that any unjust laws are just... "that is the way it has to be"

the over bloated crony prison industry is truly despicable

I know. I did 5 years in Cali.. but I deserved those

too many innocent people get swept up into the system, meanwhile we see child molesters walk free, be given probation, or short terms like 90 days etc, and execs responsible for profound crimes against the environment and more, that don't get a second of time behind bars in this trusty "Justice system" 😂💰💰🤣

Well said @doitvoluntarily , Agreed!! Does not matter where weed is legalized always leave yours at home, dont smoke before getting on a plane or crossing the border , wait until your there and get it legally. when asked at the boarder if you ever smoked before say NO! LOL Its really rediculous how they just keep building more private prisons to house all the weed smokers etc.
Love this part you said: "It costs taxpayers thousands of dollars every year to keep someone behind bars, should that money be going toward caging peaceful individuals who never harmed anyone else or their property? No, it shouldn't. Let's reserve that space for individuals who actually pose a threat to the community
Upped and resteeemd
Found with one joint!!

apprec the resteem👍thanks for the support

Your welcome , same back my friend!👍😎

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