
When you're suffering from prohibition you do what you can!

Without guerilla growers the weed game would be 5% of what it is today!

I remember when I could only grow outdoors...

I actually started indoor, but with time switched to outdoor which I always liked better :) Then indoor again LOL It was kinda zigzag. And now I have to go back to indoor again, cause I almost got busted last season :D

I think it’s the best place to learn & start

It is. Your plants are way smaller, so you can wrap your arms around cannabis growth habit easily and understand how container gardening looks. What really makes a difference is when you stop using pots and switch to direct soil growing though. That is a different world :)

You're right about that, man :) Without us the art of outdoor growing would die a painful death.

& the genetics & techniques used by indoor growers would be 30 years behind at least

Yeah that too. No-till, LOS/TLO, #highbrix, hugenkultur, they all come from outdoor agriculture.

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