Steemit Blog - Part 03 – Riots, riots, riots…

in #canna-curate4 years ago

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Riots, riots, riots…

Sunday, June 7th, 2020; riots are the cure for Coronavirus.

The current time in Las Vegas 9:22 PM, New Orleans 11:22 PM, Cape Town 6:24 AM, and Auckland 4:25 PM.

Here are the latest numbers from Worldometer:

7,091,659 people have been infected around the globe with Covid-19.

406,195 have died from the disease. 3,461,118 have recovered. 11% death rate.

The rest are open cases awaiting an outcome.

Floyd’s other brother made a plea for calm in the streets.

People are trying to tone it down and make it about change with peaceful protests.

Not black, so my voice doesn’t matter in this protest. We are to support them in letting them tell their own story, and to be in control of their destiny. Yet we share the same future.

So where does the Hemp Revolution stand in all of this. Don Lemon from CNN wraps it up with a former NFL player on to talk about racism; while ignoring the shout out to a former NFL player talking about CBD, when Trump talked about the malaria drug.

Obama didn’t legalize weed. He didn’t even legalize Hemp. He did give big pharma companies the green light with Obamacare. This Pandemic a health care coup.

Bush did the same thing for the oil companies during 9/11.

So while Trump did legalize Hemp, he doesn’t support the industry and refuses to utter the word Hemp. Although many people have gotten sick from drinking bleach after Trump’s medical advice. He’s going to lose reelection because of it. Or maybe he rallies to the Hemp Revolution and wins again. I don’t know…

Either way, I think Hemp keeps its federally legal status no matter who wins. If it’s real, then God lets it save the world as people have talked about for more than a generation or so.

You might even stumble on a Hemp crop when you visit the Moon or Mars. Ha, ha, have a good night.

From the Newsroom,
Cyrus Emerson

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