Devastation of Cancer

in #cancer6 years ago

[Photo By @DerangedVisions]

Last summer we went to Oregon to visit a woman who has been like a mom to me my whole life. She was my go to person as a teen and she still is one I love to chat with when I am feeling down. She found out last year that she had lung cancer, my grandfather had passed away 6 years ago with lung it freaked me out a bit. So we made it a priority to go see her, and let our kiddos meet her. We had the best time visiting her and her hilarious husband!! We had a picnic and Wes and the kids went down a smooth stream with Jeff (her hubs) after the picnic they had to show us their "secret" place that their kids used to swim when they were younger. We sat and chatted what seemed like a few mins, but hours had passed quickly by.

[Photo From Her Facebook]

[Photo From Her Facebook]

She fought the cancer from July to Oct, where she was given the thumbs up!! She had BEAT the cancer!! She was so excited and I was/AM so SO PROUD of her!!

This last 2 weeks we found out that she has cancer again, another visible group of cancer around her lung, and now 2 small tumors on her brain. Her husband is asking for all the good thoughts and prayers they can get for some major advancement in cancer treatment, or a straight up miracle for her to get through this next round of chemo.

When I read the news today, my heart dropped in the break room at work and I began to cry. I am so broken hearted for her, and her family. She is such an incredible woman and does NOT deserve to suffer through cancer like this. Why is it that the best of people get ravaged by such a crappy and EVIL disease?

I know and understand that we come and we go...I get that. It doesn't mean I like it. I hate it. So much. I hate the thought of death and the lack of power we have over this fact. I hate that cancer destroys people and families. I hate that MY PERSON, MY "MOM" has to endure this horrific disease.

[Photo By @DerangedVisions]

As I face the fear of losing her, I am very grateful for the memories we were able to make with her this past summer, and couldn't have imagined spending our family vacation any other way. She got me through some of the hardest years of my life, and was there when no one else seemed to be. And helped me learn to love who I was as a teenager, which seemed to be an impossible feat.

Her FAVORITE show in this life is "Wizard of Oz". For those of you unfamiliar with this classic, a young girl gets swept up by a tornado with her doggy toto and is sent off to a land of pure imagination. Her home smashed a wicked witch and she got a pair of ruby slippers, and was whisked away to the "Wizard of Oz" to help return her to her home. This movie was the first ever to be shown in color in the United States.



The most memorable song from this movie is "Somewhere over the Rainbow"
I believe there is something after this life, what exactly? I am not sure. But one thing I know for sure is Patty will be sent to the most beautiful land of pure imagination, and the first thing she will do will belt out her favorite song and find a way to let all of us know she is ok.

The Reflection of life stares you down the moment you know you have or will be losing a loved one. It makes you look deep inside yourself and drives you to figure out who you REALLY want to be and HOW you are going to make that happen.

Faith Reflection.jpg
[Photo By @DerangedVisions]

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what home you lived in, it is the memories made within that home. Or the car you drive, it is the travels made in that car. Or the amount of money you have sitting in your bank. Focusing on what you are blessed with each and every day makes your life full and satisfying.

I am sure Patty is terrified beyond belief, but I know she has a soul of gold and has made every memory she could throughout her life. I love her with all my heart, and am so grateful to have been blessed to have her in my life for 18 years. She is tough and I know whatever she can do to beat this, she will do it. I have all the Faith in the world that she can beat this 2nd round of cancer, she has a team rallying around her to keep her spirits up.

My love, thoughts and prayers to her, and to anyone else reading this that is enduring this battle.
I ask of you from all walks of life to keep this wonderful woman and her family in your thoughts and prayers!

Thank you for taking time to read my post! Much love


There's also the financial side of this horrible disease. THE FINANCIAL DEVASTATION OF CANCER TREATMENT. This is an important issue of concern for all Americans when dealing with the often overlooked problem of surviving financially, as well as physically, when going through cancer treatment.

It is so heart breaking!!

My prays and best wishes go to you and your family .
I found you through a good man, @derangedvisions . I will resteem this post

He is pretty darn fantastic!! Thank you so much for your support! She has an incredible oncology team, so I have complete Faith they will do all they can!

All the best to her and her husband, and your family as well

❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 💔 ❣️ 💕 💞 💓 💗 💖 💘 💝 💟

Thank you so much Underground! I really appreciate you taking time to read and comment!!

I am so sorry to hear about the woman you looked up to as a mother is going through this again. I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel as I still have my mother who is in good health. I will be lifting up prayers for her and her family. It looks like you all had a really nice Summer with her and it’s great that you are already cherishing those times. I pray she continues to be strong and fight through this next round :)

Many Blessings to you all~ ❤️

Thank you so much!! She is tough woman! I have no doubt she will kicks this to the curb! She helped me through a lot!

You’re very welcome ~ 😊

This is such a paradoxical experience. Overwhelming to say the least. May you find strength to fight on for her and for yourself.
May she beat the odds as she did the first time. Sending you two some love and light

Thank you so much! I am proud of her, and know she will fight till the end! She is incredible! Thank you for your support!!

Oh I have known the pain of fighting cancer as my sister has it and it took its toll on her physically, emotionally and financially.

Yet we were there all the time and we continue to love and support her.

My prayers and hope to you.

My prayers are with her and her family as well as yours. Sending healing energy her way.
Just putting this out there. Does she have any chaga?

I am not sure, I had never heard of Chaga before. I am not sure if she has. I can check with her. :)

Our heartful prayers.

Thank you with all my love and appreciation!

Aargh, cancer again! No one deserves this, not your Party. Hugs @faitherz33. My prayer for her is to still beat cancer in its butt and it never can return anymore because divine health is her portion. The photos are so beautiful. Especially this one :

Great effort on you for creating these precious moments with Patty and her husband.

Congrats on being featured on OCD too, that's huge!!! :)

So sorry to hear about what your Patty is going through, must be really hard for you and the family. Sending you all lots of love and prayers, may God take away those nasty and bless her with good health and strength. Hugs to you Faith

Thank you so much! I appreciate your love and concern! I know she will get through this, she is a tough woman!!

Yes, I believe she will get through this, especially when she has all of you loved ones as her anchor!

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