Waiting for the speedy recovery of my little Edgar Elian, Margarita Island Venezuela

Good evening friends of steemit greetings, today I bring this post to you to tell you what happened to my little Edgar yesterday: I was playing with a shampoo container full of water but with remains of the same covered, but his curiosity was so big that he managed to uncover the container and the liquid dropped in his eyes, the aunts washed him with plenty of water as the shampoo indications usually say. The boy went to sleep and the next day he woke up with swollen eyes.
My wife and I took him to the pediatric ophthalmologist and, when evaluating him, he diagnosed a corneal dethinization in both eyes, but larger in the left eye. The right eye has smaller lesions and a few drops are being applied every hour.

This tape that I show here has the function of dyeing the affected area inside the eye and seeing with a light will reflect where the lesion is located .. my son has 90% of his broken corneal epithelium.
That is why you must remain with your eye covered to avoid further damage and pain, the doctor asked to take it every day to control to follow up on the regeneration of the corneal epithelium.
It really has not been easy this situation for him, as for us he was sent an ophthalmic ointment treatment called "poentobral" and it is not achieved on the island and that depends on faster healing of his eye ..!


Get well soon, Edgar Jr!

yes, we wish all the best for Edgar junior and his family, please be well and recover quickly!
best wishes from Canada.

Gracias amiga que tenga una exelente tarde.

Edgar, I have resteemed this post to my followers. Also, I gave you a full upvote (but now after hardfork21 it is only worth 2 cents, so I am sorry). I know the medical services in your country are very limited right now. Also I know your financial situation is rough. I wish Mission: Agua-Possible was complete and the water pump was already installed. I'm sorry it takes so long to raise the funds. I wish all the best for your son little Edgar.

hello friend geacias for your support really in my country every day things get more difficult, to acquire medicines since they are imported and because of their high costs they are difficult to buy them. I still have no hardfotk21 knowledge, if it is within your reach to orient myself on that. Have a happy night friend.

I hope he has a speedy recovery!

Buenas noches amigo deseo que se encuentre bien y gracias por su deseo. Feliz noche amigo.

esperemos q se recupere pronto...tengo un hijo y se lo que se siente q le pasen algo. fuerzas!

Buenas tardes amiga de eso que estés bien. Gracias amiga hoy tengo que llevarlo a las 3 de la tarde para que la doctora le haga la cura y hoy conseguí prestado la crema que necesito para el ojo pero está vencida desde el 2016 ya que aquí en la isla no se consigue. Llamamos a la doctora y van a hacer una prueba conmigo a ver si no hace una mala reacción para poder ponérsela a mi hijo. Que tenga una feliz tarde amiga.

Oh, God will heal him.

Gracias amigo que tenga una feliz tarde

Ah your sweet boy! I wish him a fast recovery.

Buenas tardes amiga deseo que estés bien . Gracias amiga por sus buenos deseos y que tenga una feliz tarde.

The ointment is important to keep the raw areas of the cornea from sticking to the inside of the eyelid when Edgar sleeps. I hope you can get the ointment soon. My prayers are with you.

Buenas tardes amigo deseo que se encuentre bien , gracias amigo por sus buenos deseos, hoy tengo que llevarlo a las 3 de la tarde para que la doctora le haga la cura y hoy conseguí prestado la crema que necesito para el ojo pero está vencida desde el 2016 ya que aquí en la isla no se consigue. Llamamos a la doctora y van a hacer una prueba conmigo a ver si no hace una mala reacción para poder ponérsela a mi hijo. Que tenga una feliz tarde amigo.

Espero lo mejor para tu hijo.

That poor little guy! I hope he recovers quickly.

Gracias amiga @melinda010100 esperando que con el favor de Dios mejore pronto mi pequeño..

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