Calibrae Team Needs You!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #calibrae7 years ago (edited)



interest in this project is growing at a viral rate, and I am starting to field interest from people who want to join the team.

So, there is now a team:

I have changed the organisation name from steempunks to calibrae-project, and changed the avatar and tweaked some settings.

To join the team, drop your github username in the comments and I will add you

I think you first have to join the organisation, which you can find here: - I only have one github account so I will need some small help from people to be able to explain what to do, to people who also, like me, do not know the mechanisms of these things... yet... :)

If all else fails, just comment with your github user profile page link, and I will add you manually.

I require your steem username so I know who you are, of course. If there is some other thing I don't know about how you go about joining, I will make corrections as I am informed by commenters about how it works. Some of the things on Github are counterintuitive, it can take a while to really learn your way around it, even though I have had some dealings with it, I am far from an advanced user of the service.

The chatroom invite link is here:

Posts tagged with #calibrae are an easy way to follow what is going on. Critical posts with this tag are welcome also, but don't expect a warm reception if you are gonna fill them with adhominems and logical fallacies of other types. We take no prisoners here on the Calibrae Team.


If you want to contribute to helping me do my part in this, I have already received a goodly amount from @benjojo, which I am very grateful for, as it means I will have no problem paying my next 3 months rent (€450) and utilities bills from the previous 3 months. To donate directly to me, use the following data with Blocktrades (copied and pasted from the one I used to move the funds to my Dash wallet, in preparation for cashing it out via bitpanda):

Suggested deposit limit: 19731.109 STEEM

Your receive address

We're ready for your trade
Send any amount of STEEM to the account named “blocktrades” with this memo:

And we'll convert it to DASH and send it to the receive address you gave us above.

You can deposit any amount up to the suggested deposit limit, and you can use this address as many times as you like. Each time, we will convert the amount at the current conversion rate at the time the transaction is fully confirmed on the Steem network.


calibrae-project I like it better than steempunks ha-ha
Short and to the point post, and controlling the battle rage nicely - Go team Calibrae!

Following You On GitHub:

07Aug2017_Joined GitHub_Calibrae Project.png

You are in the org and on the team now :) Maybe you can figure out how to do the things I am struggling with here momentarily.

Are you logged in to github?

I am pretty new to working with github, maybe there is something I have done wrong in the configuration.

I did mention that I believe you have to have a github account and be logged in. I'll just log out and see if it appears without being logged in. Yes, it takes me to the login screen to see it.

I checked further and you cannot see the teams info without being logged in. You can see that I am the maintainer of the organisation, however:

and I appear here:

Yes, I am logged in to
Strangely I can open just fine, but
returns page not found..
page not found

ok, I will have to look closer at it to see what I need to do to make the team visible to you.

Maybe you first have to join the organisation:

Joining the org is not an option on that page, only follow button is visible.

The only thing I did was join github... then insert url: then your avatar was displayed and I then clicked on "follow".
Simple step, I hope it helps you - as I am new to all this so I have no explanation of how this functions.

Follow option is for Loki Verloren, there is no option to join org visible.

@slavix true there is no option to join.
After you clicked follow, next insert this url:
and wait for Loki to send you the invite - the invitation will show up top then clicick that and accept the invite.

I'm having the same issue as @slavix - not familiar with Github either. I thought this would be an opportunity to learn.

I'm here if you need to add me to the Project or something.

ok, cool, you have been invited :)

Have I been invited? Don't see option to join.

you have now :)

So you are rebranding yourself just to burry some luggage from the past.. tsk tsk tsk.. wouldn't have thought that of you... (I'm joking mate, dont worry ;)

What is Calibrae? I heard the name Steempunks before, but never really looked into it. Oh I and I wont join you on discord, I dont really like discord, It is just chinese skype.

ah, everyone has an opinion about chat platforms... I'm sure if steemit had a native integrated one this would not be happening... or maybe it would be even worse! sigh I like discord because it is lightweight, compared to slack and rocketchat. I used to be on IRC before, I much prefer it, but it's even harder to set up an IRC server than a Steem server.

The elfspice is actually returning to my old brand :p

Why not just reply on Steemit? The GUI is not that much worse than a random chat program. I (did) like to talk with people on facebook or youtube, because it was topic based dialogue, I just don't see the benefit.

Everybody should have the right to use them but I should be able to not use them and still be successful on Steemit ;)

Pretty much I already am... but the conversation interface can be a bit cumbersome at times...

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a decoupling between the front and back end, and you could choose an interface that suits you? This is the way software development is going these days, but there is still so many coders stuck in ancient, monolithic development mindsets even though everything these days is networked, and increasingly, stores permanent, searchable records.

but in theory chainbb and busy are alternatives to the Steemit frontend, arent they?

they are, but though less buggy, also less featureful...

yeah that is why I would love to develop steemit as a frontend instead of starting from scratch. The design is kinda neat, you gotta admit ;)

That's exactly what this is!

You are serious ... thank you for doing this @elfspice.
Question, I´m not a developer but can I join the team and still be part of Steem?

Of course, freedom of association... Once Calibrae goes live, there will not be much chatter from me here anymore though. I will much prefer to work with the system when it has rules that will ensure I don't have to deal with spammers and trolls on a daily basis...

You can be part of the team, of course, we need also artists, especially for this repository:

But you don't need to register yourself with github and all that if you are just wanting to be a tester. Unlike steemit, inc, our rules for posting issues are much more reasonable and less dictatorial. You can always just start by working with the repos, and if you want to change things you can create branches and upload, and make merge requests.

That sounds great

Hey Loki, I'm no programmer, but I'm okay with Photoshop and have some writing chops. This is a standing offer of my services if they can be of use to you. My GH username is prowebwriter.

I'm not bad at either myself, I made the logo out of a nice photo of a hummingbird... but if you want to create content and upload it, that is relevant (typography, branding, marketing copy) you can always add it to the assets repository (your github username will of course be attribution):


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