Black and White Photo Contest - Macro - Entry 3 - A sip of nectar

in #bwphotocontest7 years ago

This is my third entry for this week's theme b/w macro shots.

As with the last two entries, the original shot is a colored RAW file, which I cropped and turned into a b/w image using Lightroom.
Hope you enjoy it!

Hier ist mein dritter Eintrag für das dieswöchige Thema s/w-Makroaufnahmen.

Wie bei meinen letzten zwei Beiträgen, ist auch hier das Original eine farbige RAW-Aufnahme, die ich nachträglich in Lightroom in s/w umgewandelt und beschnitten habe. Ich hoffe Euch gefällt's!

And here's the colored version. I'd really like to have more contrast between the flower and his belly, but the colors are pretty similar.

Und hier ist die farbige Version. Ich hätte den Kleinen so gerne von der Blüte abgehoben, aber die Farben sind sich doch sehr sehr ähnlich.

EXIF data:
Sony SLT-A58 (APS-C), Tamron lens @ 300 mm , f/5.6, 1/500 seconds, ISO 100;
black and white from RAW image

Good luck to all participants and thanks to
@daveks, @papa-pepper, and the guest judge @runrudy!
Thanks for your votes!

Viel Glück allen Teilnehmern und Danke an
@daveks, @papa-pepper und den Juror @runrudy!
Danke für Eure Stimmen!

Yours/ Euer, @okkiedot

#bwphotocontest #photography #macro #deutsch #the50

A black and white butterfly has a personality :)

And he knows how to drink classy :)

awesome shot. I have tried shooting macro without flash. i did before but all came out bad. that's why i always use flash. i think you did not use flash on the post picture bec. its 1/500s. I wanna try without flash after i saw you post now. see if i can get lucky :)

Good observation. This was not a planned shooting, I came across some lavender with a lot of butterflies on it by accident.

No tripod, no ring light, just my camera with the built-in flash (which I rarely use). The lens was a Tamron AF70-300mm F/4-5.6 in Macro mode. It is not a real macro lens, but a small tele with a macro mode. To be honest, I had to through away more than half of the photos. In the end some decent shots stayed. If I had more equipment with me, I would have had used it ;-)

Lots of butterflies. i like the sound of it. here in the park where i shot. i can see one or two. The only placed where i saw lots of butterflies here is in a butterfly sanctuary. they are in a netted house.
yep i know what you mean. 10 shots and maybe 2 or 5 are good and the rest we delete. :) it's ok. we not use film :) my D80 if i recall right is almost 80K shutter count already.

Yeah, bless the digital cameras. It would have been an even more expensive hobby back in analogue times :D

Good job my dear friend and good photos in B&W photo contest! I did post it's
beautiful! Look please!

Those are both great!!! Personally I like the colored one a little more. I know you were looking for my contrast between belly and flower, but I think the wings are so cool and they perfect color against that yellow. What a pretty little guy :)

Thank you :) He is really a handsome little fellow and I think he looks really classy sipping from the flower :)

He sure does!! :)

The colored one is so beautiful I probably wouldn't have thought to try it B&W but WOW it really worked and is awesome

Yeah, initially I only processed the colored one, but as the bwphotocontest requires b/w I tried my best to create a nice b/w version of this.

Excellent post, please vote for this comment, you would help me a lot, thanks

Flagged for spam. Don't beg for votes. Instead, make relevant comments and engage in conversation.

That's harsh. Although you're right about the spamming. I tend to ignore these kind of comments, flagging uses up voting power, something I don't wanna do except it's really offensive stuff.

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