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RE: B&W Photo Contest — Geometric Shapes — entries 2 and 3 — circle, lines and triangles

Nice shots. I really like that doorknob, in particular. The lighting is really nice and your focus is spot-on. It looks like a pretty old door, judging by the wood and the wear on the knob. Anything exciting on the other side?


Nothing exciting inside except someone's empty Tim Horton cup of course. I mean, where else would one put garbage??

The door belongs to the old train I posted a bit back. The sun was shining low that day right through a small window and I shut everyone out so I could take a photo. lol. I'm bossy. It's funny, when you carry a camera people tend to give you the right of way.

Sothat's what it looks like on the inside! Haha... I love your camera authority! That could make a good psychology experiment, somehow.

I've been asked who I'm with (media company) quite a few times. I've heard you can sometimes get into sports games and concerts for free with a camera and a fake press pass!

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