What Happens If You Remove DownVotes...

in #busy5 years ago

This is one of their whale accounts doing pretty much what Traf does, but being more honest about it. Of course, nothing can stop him. They don't have downvotes.

If you have been around long enough you probably remember when the Whaleshares group went off to make their own fortune. They powered down their Steem accounts, made a clone and they were going to show us how it is done!


They have a pretty nice looking site, nothing beautiful.. but reasonable.

I was never able to get signed up and logged in because frankly, I am not a fan of Bitshares, but the signup process was ridiculous. I wasn't very sad about it, cause I figured it wouldn't go that well.

I heard they removed Downvotes from their economic system because... They make people feel bad.

I have good news... No one there is sad due to flags anymore.

In fact, no one is there at all anymore.

The value of a whaleshares is less than 1 bitshare.

What is one Bitshare worth?

Just food for thought.

Are you really sure you want to eliminate downvotes?



It was a generous move for them to go there, create that, show us all how to screw up — so we don't have to.

I avoided all of the knockoff sites. Most folks simply double-posted their content from here, so there was no reason to go there anyway.

Downvotes should be here, but without those crazy ammo! I don't think @traf or @trafalgar is doing wrong! For me it's his investment and he got more than what we have! So we feel "that's not fair enough", but again it's his investment and he is utilizing it in a nice way! So I don't think he deserve a flag! Hope you might not get angry with my viewpoint!


Nope not angry. I think the stakeholder have a right to upvote or downvote what they think ads value.

I'm not angry with him. I just don't think he ads any value and infact I think he demoralizes the community with his shit posts. In my opinion that is worthy of a downvote, but not anger and although I don't really respect it, in no way do I think it makes him evil.

Possibly short sited and dumb though.

Nope not angry.

Actually, I sometimes tend to getting angry, because some stakeholders not only devalue their own stake but also mine ... But on the other side I came here voluntarily, nobody forced me to invest in STEEM, so I shouldn't blame anybody else than I myself. :)

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Basically you are saying that if downvotes disappear Steemit will also disappear because of that?

I’m still on whaleshares 😂🤣😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sorry to hear it! :)

Hey now! It’s free to do 😂😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

....he who laughs last laughs best.

Most of the people I have run into today are crying, so anyone laughing is having a better time here than they are elsewhere.

Even better.

Their new inflation system is something like 70% goes to stakeholders and 15% goes to author reward pool. Not sure what the remaining 15% is for. Maybe witnesses?

haha, that's crazy. I've been hearing ours talk about routing all rewards through SPS. lol.

DPOS creates some interesting challenges in a downward market.

At first I was a bit resentful that I couldn't seem to get myself a bitshares account in order to get a whaleshares account set up. Now I'm feeling a bit of schadenfreude at the idea that it seems to be failing...

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm not against but I think that your expectations that downvotes will save this ship are way too high.

We'll see who's right.

I don't think they will save the platform. :)

They will be the first blockchain to close down I predict.

haha, I bet there are others. But yeah... wonder how their witnesses are doing.

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