Today's Post is to Collect Rewards, Self Upvote and Bloat the Blockchain

in #busy6 years ago (edited)


It's a bit true. Like everyone else I want the stake that I am holding to ad value to my account. Although I usually only self-upvote once a day I absolutely do it and I hope you do also.

At 10 times a day it seems like too much. Then we don't even need posts at all, just program the blockchain to give us all our daily haul, based on the stake we own.

I bet if you ask different people about how much self upvoting is too much you would get a lot of different answers.

I like to do other things also, like support other people who are interesting and holding. All of my voting is by manual curation, so that keeps me engaged with the site and the community. I'm starting to shift towards wanting to support apps that are supporting people though.

If Steem the blockchain is a blockchain for others to build apps on then it seems reasonable to use Steem currency to attract apps. Seems like maybe onboarding, support and even marketing might be a better fit at the app level? What are your thoughts.

I don't take our community and our content creators lightly though, the community is also a huge asset and mentioned even in the "TurnKey" Marketing Pitch that many are repeating.

Happy Friday Everyone,

What are your views on Self-voting, Bloating the Blockchain and the occasional shit post?



I agree with self upvoting the couple of posts that you make each day, assuming that you put some effort into them, but self upvoting ten times a day is ridiculous.

Of course I see a lot of people with large accounts that vote at 2% or 3% giving people something like a $0.01 or $0.02 cent vote even though the dust threshold is $0.03.... and that's annoying too. I guess in a case like that it would be okay to upvote yourself a little bit just to bring it up to $0.03.

I'm definitely all in on Steem.

I've been giving out 100% votes to great Steemians and I intend to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Of course I see a lot of people with large accounts that vote at 2% or 3% giving people something like a $0.01 or $0.02 cent vote even though the dust threshold is $0.03.... and that's annoying too. I guess in a case like that it would be okay to upvote yourself a little bit just to bring it up to $0.03.

Or just use @dustsweeper to avoid that issue.

Dust sweeper is a great option.

Agree with your views on this. It’s important to give as much support as you can to steemians trying hard to post real good content. That’s how we can pay our respects to them.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Personally I don't like self upvotes! But yeah I have to do! Coz only few (you are one of them) Steemians are giving their valuable votes on our posts! So, what should we do! We have to utilize our investments to grow it!


I'm a firm believer in everyone posting absolutely whatever the hell they want.

Resource credits were supposed to be the answer to blockchain bloat. If you can afford it, it's not bloat, it's what you paid for or earned. It's your allotted bandwidth on the blockchain.

If it stinks that bad anyone can flag anyone. A flag is not a guarantee of being able to stop someone's behavior, this in my opinion(which I think I might be a minority) is a strength, not a weakness.

I don't care much about what the vast majority of people would want to say on a social platform, that doesn't mean I don't want them there. I don't expect everyone to care about what I'm posting, I'd hope the fact that they don't find what I'm saying valuable to not be an reason to take stake away from me.

What we're obviously a long ways away from but would make this place MUCH better is the communities feature, then you can better be connected to the content that interests you and ignore the content that doesn't.

1st and last sentences are SPOT-ON! The rest is good too

i dont see a problem in selfvoting , but i see problem in algoritms for visibility of posts, if you dont buy bots or selfvote and so on, your post will not have any visibility, we need some other algoritm of visibility like in google, its not just who got money is in top, its who is more relevant answer question and other algoritms, so overall im pretty ok in selfvoting because right now there is not much we can do to be in trending or hot, because of shitty rankings.

I've often thought we could fix that issue with a tab that says.. Popular. The tab would display articles with the most interaction.

That's a great idea! Trending sucks golf balls through a garden hose, which is why some apps have opted to not implement it.

Resteemed bro!

I think it depends. I can definitely understand whales selfupvoting themselves a lot. I don't think the should get attacked for that as long as they do it less than 90% of the time.

I'm writing this comment in hopes of a minor upvote. Possibly you or a reader will find my comment witty or insightful and begin following my blog. If all goes well I can increase the number of followers I have which autovote my posts up so that instead of making $0.12 per post I can be earning $0.25.


I like the honest in your post.

Can I just add, try to post regularly and as a scientist, try looking up @irelandscape who runs an amazing DApp called @stemq . This maybe right up your street. Best Wishes :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

minor upvote confirmed along with a follow. Can't make any promises on the .12 cents. :) I like the honesty in your response.

I don't tend to self-upvote, but I have a pretty paltry upvote these days. But I'm not above an occasional shitpost whenever I don't feel very creative. I mostly just lack the time to post as much as I'd like to, these days.

Self-voting? I‘m never self-voting, just purely to avoid any issue with some „warrior“. My Voting CSI is just at 4.00 though, some of my votes are going to @steembasicincome because I‘m getting more rshares that the vote is bringing them, some are being sold over @smartsteem. The rest is being used by @shadowbot and by me, when I think it‘s appropriate.

Couldn‘t care less about bloating the blockchain. They are paying resource credits, so it‘s fine.

And what is the definition of a „shit post“? I get that plagiarism and fraud should are not welcomed, but to force any kind of standard quality on every post on a blockchain that is allowing everything is kinda useless. I‘m not the next Ernest Hemingway, I don‘t want to be one, I just want to share some stuff I have found somewhere else, like on YouTube, News sites and so on without hitting a specific amount of words.

I totally agree with most of what you said. I always say, I haven't seen Shakespear yet.

In the early days there was a huge push towards Quality Content, but those who were pushing it were hysterical.

Good at Grammar and as boring as you would expect. :)

I upvote every post I do 100% because I'm worth 16 cents - and I average three posts a week so I'm raping the reward pool.

But don't panic I'm upvoting you as well!

Next I'm going to set up an account to sell the names of people who upvote themselves too much :)

hahaha. I think there are many groups out there deciding who is doing what too much.

And even the odd individual!

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